A Study of the Bhagavadgita -7. 11. Swami Krishnananda.


Sunday, September 19, 2021. 8:00.AM.
Chapter 7:The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative - 11.

This circumstance of your being basically involved in the higher purpose of life will bring the faith that is necessary for invoking God’s presence in you, and God shall manifest Himself. Infinite are the avataras of God, as infinite as the rays of the Sun. Numberless are the occasions when God manifests Himself, and in numberless ways and methods of action. It does not mean that always the same kind of form will be sent. It is not that He will come always as Rama, Krishna, Govinda, etc. God can manifest Himself as a remedial force under conditions which are historically, geographically, socially, psychologically specific. When it is necessary, God can come as an incarnation of whirlwind, tornado, epidemic, war, cataclysm. Or He may come as a blessing of heightened power in particular nations. He may bring a redeeming force and help to a personality. He can make you even materially wealthy. Everything is possible for Him.

As critical conditions in life are manifold in their nature, it is not that everyone has the same kind of problem. It does not mean throughout history we have only one kind of difficulty in humanity. Manifold and endless are the peculiarities of the problems of existence, and endless also are the ways of His incarnation. Any form, any way, any method can be adopted by this Supreme Being, according to the circumstance of the case. What is the nature of the difficulty? The counterpart of it will be the nature of the incarnation.

Whenever a difficult situation arises between the subject and the object, we may say – the world and the individual have a critical clash of purposes and it is difficult to solve it humanly – a superhuman force descends. Actually, human problems cannot be solved by mere human beings. No man can solve another man’s problem because, after all, he is also a man like the other person. The possibility of solving human problems arises only if there is a person or a group of people who are not simply human beings, but somebody more than that. You require a Super-leader to render real help to people. All great leaders were Super-persons. It is not just a Tom, Dick and Harry saying, “I will come and save humanity.” No Tom can do that, because every Tom is like every other Tom. Great masters, leaders, geniuses, statesmen who have worked wonders in the nations of the world were not ordinary human individuals. They were Super-individuals to some extent.

This Super-personality is the way in which God manifests Himself in political conditions, in social circumstances, in educational fields, even in spiritual life – visions which are very consoling and satisfying, and experiences which will thrill you. In deep meditation you can also be regarded as a kind of incarnation of God.

Thus, these two verses which say something briefly about the manner of the coming of God into the world of people is an explanation of the entry of the Absolute into the relative, the Universal acting in the particulars, the cosmic in action every moment of time, just as the whole organism of the body acts if there is a little ache in the toe. Wherever there is an ache or pain or difficulty felt in the limbs of the body, the whole anabolic activity, the constructive forces, act suddenly; there is a war taking place, as it were, between these intruding monsters who create pain in the body and the powers that are constructive and cause its survival. In a similar manner, instantaneous action is taking place in all things in the world because the whole universe is a single organism animated by a single intelligence.

Chapter 7:The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative - Ends.

Next- Chapter 8: The Stages of Yoga :

To be continued ...



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