Gita : Ch-13. Slo-8 to 12. Introduction-3

Very Important slokam-s : ( Members, follow carefully )


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :


Slokam- 8 to 12*. ( Introduction )- Pat-3.

Continuously reflecting, contemplating and engaging one's total being in understanding the purpose and goal of human existence by comprehending the precise significance of various verses and conceptions in the Vedic scriptures to learn and realise the ultimate truth and upon achieving moksa or liberation from material existence to further attain the ultimate consciousness and eternal association with the Supreme Lord which is the highest apex of all existence.

Jnana refers to that knowledge where one can achieve atma tattva or realisation of the soul.

The aggregate of imbibing these 20 most excellent attributes facilitates atma tattva within the jiva or embodied being.

Whatever is contrary and opposed to these 20 attributes is to be considered ignorance and detrimental to any real knowledge of the soul.

Thus these 20 virtues that have been described by Lord Krishna constitute the essence of knowledge for their attributes are the means which opens the way to this highest existence. Whatever is contrary to these 20 virtues of renowned excellence should always be rejected as it is understood to be ignorance and emphatically antagonistic to truth. This has been confirmed in by gone ages by great sages and seers such as Vyasa, Vasistha and Parasara.

Next the nature of the kshetra-jna or knower of the field will be delineated by Lord Krishna as was alluded to in chapter-10, slokam-3 where He states: One who knows Me.

* Because of the length, the slokams and translation not mentioned here.

Next : Each slokam explained in detail

To be continued ...


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