Gita : Ch-13. Slo-1.Discussion-4.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

 Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

 Slokam-1. ( Arjuna  question  to  Lord  Sri  Krishna ) -

  (Arjuna said: O Lord, I wish to know about prakrti [nature], Purusha [the experiencer], and the field and the knower of the field, and of knowledge and the end of knowledge. )

 arjuna uvaca,

 prakrtim  purusham  caiva  kshetram   kshetragjnameva  ca,

 etadveditumicchami   jnanam   jneyam  ca  kesava.

 arjuna  uvaca  =  Arjuna  said;

 kesava!  =  O  Lord;

 prakrtim  purusham  ca  eva  =  nature,  and  the  experiencer;

 kshetram  kshetragjnam  ca  eva  =  kshetram  (body),  and  kshetragjnan  ( jivatma );

  jnanam   jneyam  ca  etat  =  jnanam ( knowledge ),  jneyam ( object  of  the  knowledge,  all  about  these;

 veditum  icchami  =  I  wish  to  know.


In this chapter whatever has been previously stated about knowledge, the object of knowledge, prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence and the Purusa or the Supreme eternal consciousness is herein being categorically collated and elucidated by Lord Krishna. The means of developing spiritual intelligence through karma or activities was given by Lord Krishna in the first six chapters known as the Karma Yoga section and the means of achieving bhakti or exclusive loving devotion to Lord Krishna was revealed in the subsequent six chapters known as the Bhakti Yoga section along with the different manifestations of the Supreme Lord have all been arranged here together in summation.

The jiva or embodied being is by itself eternal because it possesses an atma or eternal soul bestowed by the Lord Krishna which is an infinitesimal spark from Him; but the physical body although energized by the Supreme Lord is not eternal and disintegrates with time. Therefore the physical body is called sharira because it appears to die and since the Supreme Lord resides within all jivas as the atma He is known as ksetrajna or the consciousness within the ksetra or field of activity. This consciousness envelopes the physical body and is the source of the material senses which display their perceptions of duality in the ksetra of the physical body with emotions of like and dislike, happiness and misery, pleasant and unpleasant, love and hate etc.
To be continued  ...


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