Gita : Ch-5. Introduction-1.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-5. ( Karma-sanyasa-yogam )


The  fifth  chapter  begins  with  a  doubt  of  Arjuna  to  Lord  Sri  Krishna.

Though  this  question ( doubt )  shows  similarity,  in  the  sense  of  the  doubts  raised  by  Arjuna  in  the  beginning  of  third  chapter,  it is  not  a  repetition.

In  the  second  chapter  when  Arjuna  heard  the  tattvam-s  explained  to  him,  by  Lord,  Arjuna  could  not  decide  and  loosing  his  balance  of  mind,  thought  that,  'is  there  any  place  for  karmam  in  spiritual  life'.

At  present  his  doubt  is : "which  one  is  best  '1. Karma-sanyasam  or 2. Karma-yogam'?

From  this  Lord  has  succeeded to  convince  Arjuna   that   to  defeat  Adharmam  and  to  establish  Dharmam  'Karmam' is  inevitable.

We  can  say  that  Arjuna  has  got  back  his  balance  of  mind  at least  by  now. Arjuna  now  understands  that  wise  karmam  is  essential   for  higher  knowledge  and   for  spiritual  growth.

 To be continued  ...



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