The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita : 15.4 - Swami Krishnananda.

Swami Udit Chaithanya

" യത്ര നാര്യസ്തു പൂജ്യന്തേ തത്ര എവ ദൈവം തുഷ്യതി "
2023 Dec 31 മുതൽ 2024 Jan. 7 വരെ കോഴിക്കോട് കൊയിലാണ്ടി പുതിയകാവ് മഹാ വിഷ്ണു ക്ഷേത്രത്തിൽ  നടക്കാൻ പോകുന്ന സപ്താഹ മഹോത്സവത്തിന്റ  പ്രധാന നേതൃത്വം നൽകുന്നത് സ്ത്രീകളാണ് . ഇത് നാടിന്റെ തന്നെ സൗഭാഗ്യമാണ്‌ .സമൂഹത്തിനു മാറ്റം കൊണ്ടുവരാൻ  സ്ത്രീകളുടെ ആത്മീയ നേതൃത്തിനു മാത്രമേ കഴിയൂ .ആത്മ ശക്തി പ്രദായിനിയായ  സ്ത്രീയെ ശാക്തീകരിക്കാൻ ചില രാഷ്ട്രീയ കക്ഷികൾ കാണിക്കുന്ന പ്രഹസനങ്ങളെ സ്ത്രീ സമൂഹം തിരിച്ചറിയണം .ജന്മം കൊണ്ട്തന്നെ  ആത്മ ശക്തി സ്വരൂപിണിയായും  സ്നേഹ ശക്തി ദായിനിയുമായ സ്ത്രീകൾ സമുഹത്തെ മുന്നോട്ട് നയിക്കാൻ ആത്മീയമായി മുന്നോട്ടിറങ്ങി പ്രവർത്തിച്ചാൽ  സംസ്കാര സുസമ്പന്ന സമൂഹം രൂപപ്പെടും . കോഴിക്കോട് കൊയിലാണ്ടി  പുതിയകാവ്  സപ്താഹത്തിനു പ്രധാന നേതൃത്വം കൊടുക്കുന്ന മാതൃശക്തിക്കു അനന്ത കോടി പ്രണാമം

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വൈസ് ചെയർമാൻ :ശ്രീ മതി സുലേഖ
ജോയിന്റ് കൺവീനവർ :ശ്രീമതി നിഷ
സാമ്പത്തിക കമ്മിറ്റി ചെയർമാൻ :ശ്രീമതി ശ്രീജറാണി
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"Yatra Naryastu Pujyanthu, that is the God Thushyathi"

Women are leading the Saptaha Mahotsavam to be held at Kozhikode Koyilandi Puthiyakavu Maha Vishnu Temple from 2023 Dec 31 to 2024 Jan. 7. This is the fortune of the land itself. Only the spiritual leadership of women can bring change to society. Women's society should recognize the sarcasm shown by some political parties to empower the self-powering woman. If women, who are self-power embodiment and love power by birth, step forward spiritually to lead the society, a culturally rich society will be formed. Infinite crores of salutes to the mother power who leads the Kozhikode Koyilandi Puthiyakavu Saptaham

Saptaha Committee Chairman: Smt. Ramya
Vice Chairman: Sri Mathi Sulekha
Joint Convenor: Mrs. Nisha
Finance Committee Chairman: Smt. Srijarani
Mother's Committee President: Smt. Pramila
Secretary: Smt. Sreeja Teacher


Sunday, 17 Dec 2023 06:30. 

Chapter 15: The Way and the Goal-4.


Here is a reference made to the Samkhya cosmological principles when, by suggestion, the principles of ahamkara, mahat (buddhi) and the avyakta (prakriti) are indicated. With these and the five elements, the cosmic structure is complete. These very same principles, along with the ten sense organs and the mind, constitute the individual. This individual complex, which is physical as well as psychological at the same time, mind and body inseparably related, is the individual percipient, the empirical knower. A knower is one who has knowledge; and what is correct knowledge, or right knowledge, or proper knowledge, and what is the opposite of it, is also mentioned further on.

In this categorisation of the various components of correct knowledge, some sort of system or order appears to have been followed. In the beginning, virtues such as humility, unpretentiousness, etc., are mentioned, which are supposed to be the endowments of the student, a brahmacharin, a disciple working and studying under a  Guru. For, together with this requirement of ethical qualities, we are told that one should be endowed with the requisites of servicefulness to the Guru, the Master, the Teacher. Purity of thought, purity of word and purity of deed is again emphasised. Detachment, at the same time, is pointed out once again as an indispensable. Gradual withdrawal from external entanglements of every kind, culminating in the perception of the transiency of all things, the perishability of all objects, devotion to God, and the recognition of the existence of an eternal Reality behind all phenomena—all this is supposed to be knowledge. Perhaps, there is some subtle reference made to the various stages, or the Ashramas—Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa—impliedly, in the suggestive verses.

Every character, conduct, behaviour, action and outlook that is going to tend towards the acceptance of God's ultimate supremacy, perfection and absoluteness is to be considered as knowledge, and everything else is ignorance. To move towards God, and to feel an aspiration for God-realisation is knowledge, and ultimate or final knowledge is the conviction that God alone is, and nothing else ever can be. And if our understanding varies from this conclusion, we are in a state of ignorance. Here is the substance, the character of right knowledge.

That which is to be known is the object of knowledge. We have many things in this world which we consider as objects of knowledge. We have the branches of learning, the sciences, the arts and all the apparatus of scholarship. We are curious to know many things, and we regard various themes and subjects taught in the schools, colleges and universities as the objects of knowledge. But, according to the Bhagavadgita, in this particular context, the object of knowledge is the Supreme Reality. An unreal thing cannot be regarded as an object of right knowledge. If the object is unreal, the knowledge of it cannot be real, and inasmuch as we are speaking here about right knowledge, true knowledge, real knowledge, we are also concerned with the corresponding reality of the object.


To be continued



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