BHAGAVAD GEETA: 44 - Swami Advayanandaji.



Chapter - 2

Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas)

“Yoga of the SUPREME SELF”

Sri Veda Vyasaji


Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 07:00.

Post - 44.


Slogam - 22, “Old Clothes” Need to be Changed


Vaasaamsi jeernaani = Old worn-out clothes –

yathaa vihaaya =  just as they are cast off,


navaani grihnaati = and new clothes are taken on 

narah aparaani; = in their place by a man;


tathaa shareeraani = so also it is with human bodies –

vihaaya jeernaani = worn-out bodies are cast away,


anyaani samyaati = and other bodies are entered (“united with”)

navaani dehee. = – new bodies – by the embodied.


After an intense and serious philosophical discussion of 10 verses, Lord Krishna gives 

Himself and His listener Arjuna a brief respite by introducing a very appropriate simile. 

Acharyaji said to us that such devices offered a welcome relief to both speaker and listener 

– they are like a brief interval.

Thus far all the discussion has been taking place from the perspective of the Self. We 

are placing ourselves in the shoes of the Self and trying to view life. 



Vaasaamsi Jeernaani: 

“A change of clothes” - this is how a Self-realised person 

would see death and birth; they are like taking off the old clothes (death), and putting on 

new ones (birth), nothing more than that. Grief and sorrow have no part to play in it.

The point is made clear that nothing happens to the Self, whatever happens is 

happening to the body only.



Slogam - 23: Even “New Clothes” May Need Changing!

To be continued



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