The Philosophy of the Karma Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita - 5 : Swami Krishnananda


(Spoken on July 15, 1979.)

As I mentioned yesterday, we have to proceed from the physical and social level to the psychological, rational and the spiritual stages. We have to live a life of friendliness, servicefulness and adjustment with the outward circumstances of human society, not because that is going to do any good to society but because of the fact that is an indication of the maturity of our own mind. The harmony or the adjustment or the adaptability of the mind in respect of the world outside is an indication of the extent of the education which has been imparted to us. The depth of the knowledge that we have gained in respect of the realities of the world, and the advancement in life, are more a movement inward towards its profundities rather than an adventure in the direction of bringing about a transformation in the outward conditions of life. The whole universe will be the same way in the future it was earlier. We cannot change a whit its essential constitution.

But there is a so-called growth in the entire structure of the cosmos towards a Self-realisation of itself, which is the moksha of the whole cosmos, we may say. Scriptures sometimes refer to this possibility as the withdrawal of the whole universe into the mind of Hiranyagarbha, the Sutratma or the Cosmic Intellect, and the reversal of the whole procedure of outward manifestation into an inner absorption of the cosmos into the Absolute.

This is a symbolic representation of the spiritual evolutionary process through which every sadhaka has to pass. Everyone has to tread the same road, and all the experiences through which ancient saints and sages had to pass are those through which we also have to pass. The experiences of the Buddha or the Christ are also our experiences. It is not merely a story of ancient history that we are reading when we study the lives of these great men because the stages of evolution are set, and we have to tread the same route, transcending the same stages and passing through the same experiences. We have to lift the same cross which the Christ lifted, and undergo the same sorrows which the Buddha had to pass through. Everything which confronted anyone would also be experienced by every one of us at one time or the other. The law of the universe is inexorable and it has no exemptions. It is universally spread out in a most impartial manner, and our success in any walk of life is conditioned by the extent to which we are able to adapt ourselves to the set law of the cosmos or, we may say, to the law of God.

To be continued ..,.



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