BHAGAVAD GEETA – 2 : Swami Advayanandaji

Chinmaya Mission :

Chinmaya Mission Pune and Chinmaya Yuva Kendra Navi Mumbai jointly organised a 4-day residential youth camp at the divine Chinmaya Maauli Ashram in Pune. The camp, titled “TBH: To Be Happy” saw the enthusiastic participation of over 50 youngsters under the leadership of Br. Ved Chaitanya and Brni. Maitreyee Chaitanya.

Spread over an action-packed weekend, the camp sessions, which were based on “Jeevanasutrani: Tips for Happy Living” by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda enlightened the youngsters with extremely simple tips towards happiness, fuelled even more by Vedji’s captivating mannerism and clarity of thought. Along with daily sessions, the camp saw an abundance of fun activities, the groups were asked to make mud sculptures single handedly. Other than that physical outdoor games like Bhasmasur, Villager, Chain Chain, Relays, and Volleyball were thoroughly enjoyed by the campers.

Evening Aarati followed by Bhajans were the perfect way to sing the glory of the Lord and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of Chinmaya Vitthala Rukmini Temple.

With Pujya Gurudev’s grace and blessings, the camp concluded on a high note. All returned from the camp in high spirits finally ready TO BE HAPPY!!



 Arjuna Vishadha yogam  (“Yoga of Arjuna’s Despondency” )

Sri Veda Vyasaji

Discourse – 1 (47 Slokas)


Tuesday, May 02, 2023. 08:00.

Post - 2.    


Slokam - 2: Sanjaya – Reporter of the Visible & Invisible 

0 Sanjaya Uvaacha: Sanjaya said:

Drishtvaa tu Paandavaaneekam   =  Having seen the army of the Pandavas

vyoodham duryodhanah tadaa;   =  in battle array, Prince Duryodhana then

aachaaryam upasangamya   =  approached his teacher (Dronacharya);

raajaa vachanam abraveet.   =  the Prince spoke the following words:


0 Sanjaya is our commentator who conveys the Geeta to mankind. 

Sanjaya means “one who excels, is victorious”. Swami Sivananda qualifies this victory 

further by adding, “It is victory over one’s senses”. Like our modern TV viewers, Sanjaya was 

blessed with the vision to see things far away. However, unlike the TV viewers, he could also 

see what was happening in people’s minds. Thus, Sanjaya has a special role in the context of 

the Geeta. He represents the “voice of conscience” within King Dhritarashtra, which is allknowing and from which the King cannot hide anything, for it knows all his thoughts.


Sanjaya delivers all the news in an unbiased manner, whether it is good or bad. 

He reports things as they are. He is the uncorruptible “voice of Truth” within that pricks the 

evil-minded Dhritarashtra at every moment. Sanjaya knows the King’s inclinations in favour 

of his sons; he does not pander to them but chastises the King at every opportunity.

There is good reason why, on the warfront, it is Duryodhana whose words are 

quoted first. 

There could be two reasons for this :

i) The Kauravas are the Aggressors: It is the Kauravas who desired and instigated the 

war. They refused all the peace initiatives of the Pandavas. The aggressor gets the first 

chance to speak.

ii) Duryodhana’s State of Mind: As Duryodhana’s words come through to us, we see 

in them a portrayal of his character. We see his frame of mind quite clearly through the 

words he chooses. This will be revealed in the slokas that follow.

Sanjaya has his own underlying message to deliver to the King. We will notice in his 

narration that he is hopeful that even now it is not too late for the King to withdraw the 

armies from the battlefield and make peace with the Pandavas. 

All this, of course, has been master-minded by the great poet, Sri Veda Vyasa, the 

writer of the Mahabharata epic, within which, like a gem, lies the precious Bhagavad Geeta.

The Kauravas and the Pandavas never saw eye to eye!




(Slokas  3-13, 11 No.)

To be continued



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