Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-14, Slokam - 11.


Srimad  Bhagavad-Gita :

Slokam :

"Sarvadvareshu   dehesmin  prakasa  upajayate,

jnanam  yada  tada  vidyat  vivrddham   sattvamityuta."

Translation :

The manifestations of the mode of goodness can be experienced when all the gates of the body are illuminated by knowledge.

yada  =  when;

asmin  dehe  =  in  this  body;

sarva  dvareshu  =  in  all  indriyas  (  senses );

jnanam   prakasa  upajayate  =  the  divinity  of  knowledge  appears;

tada  =  then;

sattvam  vivrddham  uta  =  sattva-gunam  has  been  developed;

iti   vidyat  =  should  be  known. 

Discourse :

There are nine gates in the body: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the mouth, the genital and the anus. In every gate, when the symptom of goodness is illuminated, it should be understood that one has developed the mode of goodness. In the mode of goodness, one can see things in the right position, one can hear things in the right position, and one can taste things in the right position. One becomes cleansed inside and outside. In every gate there is development of the symptoms of happiness, and that is the position of goodness.

Now Lord Krishna delineates the developed characteristics of sattva guna or mode of goodness by explaining that when the five sense s no longer exercise there search for sense gratification but instead focus their attention to the experiencing the atma or immortal soul; then the light of knowledge radiates through them and by this manifestation it can be ascertained that sattva guna is predominant within a jiva or embodied being. Also by the signs of happiness and effulgence.

One can recognize the presence of the three gunas or modes of material nature by their productive effects. Lord Krishna states that when the gates of the physical body which are the senses such as the eyes and ears, etc. by which one perceives light and sound achieve a sense of dispassion and discernment then arise s the light of true perception and it symbolizes that sattva guna or the mode of goodness is predominant based on its feeling of well being and happiness.

When the light of jnana or knowledge is seen to be dominate in all the channels of the body and the senses such as seeing and hearing; then an accurate perception of reality as it is naturally occurs. Lord Krishna confirms that this is indicative that sattva guna or the mode of goodness is predominant.

To be continued  .




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