Commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita-2.7 : Swami Krishnananda


2. The First Chapter – Vishadha Yogam, the Yoga of the Dejection of the Spirit-7.

*“Will I succeed? If I perish, what happens?”

#This is Arjuna’s question. Secondly, Bhishma, Drona, Karna, etc., are not ordinary people. They are ten times stronger than Arjuna, and Arjuna knows that. Nobody can face these people.

#Before the commencement of the war (this is a little digression from the main point) when all were arrayed on the battlefield, wearing armour, with bows and arrows in their hands and swords drawn—everything was war-hot, and nobody knew what would happen the next moment—Yudhishthira put down his weapons, removed his shoes, put on a single cloth, a dhoti, and in the thick of the array went forward.

##Nobody understood what was happening to this crazy man; he was walking into the midst of his enemies, who had drawn their swords.
Arjuna said, “What has happened to my brother? Has he gone crazy?”

Duryodhana and others said, “Coward! Coward! The coward is coming. He is afraid. Seeing, us he is afraid. He is coming to sue for peace.”

Krishna said, “I am aware of what it is. He is neither a coward, nor has he made any mistake. He is following a great tradition of paying obeisance to elders.”

We have to pay obeisance to our elders. This is one of the great dharmas of India. He went and prostrated himself before Bhishma.

Yudhishthira said, “Bless me for success,”

“Then what?” asked Yudhishthira. “When shall I have success? How will I defeat you?”

“This matter we shall discuss later on,” said Bhishma.

Yudhishthira then went to Drona, and prostrated himself before him. “Please bless me for success.”

Drona replied, “Nothing doing, as long as I am on the field.”

Yudhishthira then went to Kripacharya, who said, “No success for you as long as I am here.”

#The world will tell us, “I am not going to leave you so easily like that.” It catches hold of us, with all our sentiments and desires and longings and social relationships. The gold and silver, and the milk and honey of this world are not easy to abandon. 

*There is a joy in being an important person in the world. 

**There is a satisfaction in being a king, an emperor or a ruler of a country. 

***There is a satisfaction in being a very wealthy person, a millionaire rolling in gold. 

****Can we say these are not satisfactions? 

8. And if this temptation is thrown at us—suppose we are offered a gold throne—what will we say, my dear spiritual seeker? 

##We will hesitate.

To be continued ...




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