Study of the Bhagavadgita : Chapter-2 : Post- 4. - Swami Krishnananda

Tuesday, August 25, 2020. 2:51. AM.
Chapter 2: The Background of the Bhagavadgita-4.

This world is constituted of two things: what is mine and what is not mine. The whole battle is just between these two forces: mine and not mine. Don’t you think that the world is made up of only these two things? Is there anything else in this world? “This is my house, these are my relations, this is my family, this is my property, this is my village, this is my hutment, this is my country. That is not mine.” Sometimes parents tell little children, “Your neighbour is your enemy; don’t go to that house.” So children are initiated at the very outset as to how to think in terms of ‘mine’ and ‘not mine’.

You have to put on a dual attitude in your daily life in respect of what is yours and what is not yours. It does not mean that you are involved only in what is yours. You are also daily involved in things which are not yours. The world is not compartmentalised in such a marked way that you can completely be free from relation with what is not yours. Wherever you are, even in a motorbus or a railway train, you will find what is not yours and perhaps what is yours.

Inasmuch as what is yours and what is not yours is to be found everywhere, you have to put on an attitude of adjustment daily, right from the beginning of the day. You place yourselves in a state of tension because of this dual principle that seems to be confronting you. You arm yourselves psychologically when you enter an office, go for a meeting, enter a parliament house or work in a factory. Psychologically, you are at drawn swords for every kind of eventuality, a psychological war that may be created on account of the circumstance of there being in that field of work two principles operating: that which is yours and that which is not yours.

To be continued ....



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