Study of the Bhagavadgita : Chapter-2 : Post- 3. - Swami Krishnananda

Monday, August 17, 2020. 8:16. PM.

Chapter 2: The Background of the Bhagavadgita-3.

Dharma, the principle of righteousness or justice, is what we may consider as the law of integration of things – the cohesion of factors – bringing together discreet particulars and creating a meaning between items which are apparently not related to each other. Several things in this world do not appear to be connected to one another; but there is a connection between what happens on this planet Earth and the distant stars. It brings about an inner correlation between the apparently remote principle or entity with the location of your own self.

In this field, which is therefore the world of action and the world of righteousness, two forces are arrayed for the achievement of an expected result. The principle of battle and war is the breaking down of the present circumstance and the creation of a new condition altogether. What is now has to be broken down, it has to be effaced completely, and what is not now should be generated by the very action of the effacement of the present. War is a destruction of what is at present, with the expectation of something that will be created in the future. With this expectation it is that the Pandavas and the Kauravas armed themselves in the field of Kurukshetra.

The word used by Dhritarashtra is also significant:

“My people.” This is the word that he used first:   “What did my people and the sons of Pandu do in the field of Kurukshetra, having arrayed themselves for battle?”

There is a marked difference between how we evaluate things related to ourselves and things which we consider as not related to ourselves: “My people are the group headed by Duryodhana. The sons of Pandu belong to Pandu only; they are not mine.”

To be continued ..



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