Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.37: Swami Mukundananda.



Sunday 21, Apr 2024. 06:30.
Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam
The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge


Slogam : 37

"Hato va prapsyasi swargam jitva va bhokshyase mahim

tasmad uttishtha kaunteya yuddhaya krita-nishchayah."




prapsyasi—you will attain; 

swargam—celestial abodes; 

jitva—by achieving victory; 


bhokshyase—you shall enjoy; 

mahim—the kingdom on earth; 



kaunteya—Arjuna, the son of Kunti; 

yuddhaya—for fight; 

krita-nishchayah—with determination



BG 2.37: 

"If you fight, you will either be slain on the battlefield and go to the celestial abodes, or you will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom on earth. Therefore arise with determination, O son of Kunti, and be prepared to fight."



Continuing from slogam 2.31, Shree Krishna is still giving instructions at the level of occupational duties. He explains to Arjuna about the two possibilities arising from the performance of his duty. If Arjuna becomes victorious, a kingdom on Earth awaits him, and if he is forced to lay down his life in the discharge of his duty, he will go to the celestial abodes.





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