Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 77.

Chinmaya Mission :

Chinmaya Mission Mumbai hosted the first post-COVID offline event with Swami Swaroopananda for an inspiring series of 3 day talks. 

Every day, over 800 attendees packed the halls for Swamiji's talks on the topics "Hanuman, The Secret of His Success" in Dadar, "Know Yourself & Shape Your Destiny" in Chembur, and “ध्यान -- सुख समृद्धि की ओर" in Kandivali. 

Each talk began with the local zone welcoming Swamiji, the lighting of the lamp, and with Bala Vihar children leading the invocation before each satsang. 

In Kandivali, there was also a NCC salute by the scouts of Thakur College of Science and Commerce. 

Many returned day after day to take in Swamiji’s compelling explanations of complex concepts and dynamic approach to Vedanta, covering topics ranging from destiny to meditation, from success to peace of mind. 

By the end of the weekend, the series left the residents of Mumbai grateful for the series of discourses and eagerly awaiting Swamiji's next visit.


Tuesday, February 07, 2023. 07:30. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.



With Translation :

"tacca  samsmrtya samsmrtya  rupamatyadbhutam hareh,

vismayo me  mahan  rajan hrshyami ca punah punah."


"O King, when I remember the wonderful form of Lord,  I am struck with even greater wonder, and I rejoice again and again."


Translation :

ca  =  not  only  that;

hareh  ati  adbhutam  =  Lord's  Supreme  astonishing;

tat  rupa  =  that  Visvarupam  is,  that;

samsmrtya    samsmrtya   =   reminding  myself  (  remembering  ( and )  remembering;

me  vismayah  mahan  =  my  wonder  is  multiplying;

punah  punah  hrshyami  ca  =  again  and  again,  in astonishment by the power of his celestial 


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

It appears that Sanjaya also, by the grace of Vyasa, could see the universal form of Krishna exhibited to Arjuna.

It is, of course, said that Lord Krishna never exhibited such a form before.

It was exhibited to Arjuna only, yet some great devotees could also see the universal form of Krishna when it was shown to Arjuna, and Vyasa was one of them.

He is one of the great devotees of the Lord, and he is considered to be a powerful incarnation of Krishna.

Vyasa disclosed this to his disciple, Sanjaya, who remembered that wonderful form of Krishna exhibited to Arjuna and enjoyed it repeatedly.

The phrase rupam atyadbhutam refers to the phenomenal visvarupa or universal form exhibited by Lord Krishna on the battlefield that was described in chapter 11 which Sanjaya had observed in astonishment by the power of his celestial vision.

The more he remembered this amazing and astonishing visvarupa the more rapturous and ecstatic he became by its transcendental magnificence. Marvelling in wondrous ecstasy he is incessantly inundated by waves of rapture.

Recollecting the phenomenal vision of Lord Krishna's fantastic vishvarupa universal form, Sanjaya is inundated with waves of indescribable ecstasy.

When Sanjaya reflects on the immaculate and amazing, wondrous and astounding visvarupa or universal form He is inundated by waves of ecstasy.

To  be  continued  ..



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