Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 26.



Saturday, July 16. 2022. 19:20. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.



"Mukta-sango ‘naham-vadi dhrity-utsaha-samanvitah

siddhy-asiddhyor nirvikarah karta sattvika uchyate."



BG 18.26: "The performer is said to be in the mode of goodness, when he or she is free from egotism and attachment, endowed with enthusiasm and determination, and equipoised in success and failure.


Translation - 2

mukta-saṅgaḥ—free from worldly attachment; 

anaham-vādī—free from ego; 

dhṛiti—strong resolve; 


samanvitaḥ—endowed with; 

siddhi-asiddhyoḥ—in success and failure; 



sāttvikaḥ—in the mode of goodness; 

uchyate—is said to be.


Commentary :

Shree Krishna had earlier mentioned the three ingredients of action—knowledge, the action itself, and the doer. Having described the categories of two of them—knowledge and actions—he now moves on to the three kinds of performers of actions. He clarifies that those situated in the mode of goodness are not inactive; rather they work with enthusiasm and determination. 

The difference is that their work is performed in proper consciousness. Sāttvic doers are mukta sangaḥ, i.e. they do not try to cling to things in worldly attachment, nor do they believe that worldly things can bestow satisfaction to the soul. Hence, they work with noble motives. And since their intentions are pure, they are filled with utsāha (zeal) and dhṛiti (strong resolve) in their endeavors. 

Their mental attitude results in the least dissipation of energies while working. Thus, they are able to work tirelessly to fulfill their sublime motives. Though they may accomplish great things, they are anaham vādī (free from egotism), and they give all credit for their successes to God.


To be continued ......



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