Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-17, Slokam-21.



Sunday, January 09, 2022. 7:00PM.

Chapter-17. { Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam }

Slokam-21 :


Slokam :

"Yat tu pratyupakarartham phalam uddishya va punah

diyate cha pariklishtam tad danam rajasam smritam."


Translation of the Slokam :

"But charity performed with the expectation of some return, or with a desire for fruitive results, or in a grudging mood, is said to be charity in the mode of passion."

"But charity given with reluctance, with the hope of a return or in expectation of a reward, is said to be in the mode of passion."


Translation :

pratyupakarartham  =  having  desire  for the sake of getting some return;

punah  phalam  uddishya   va   =   having  the  wish / lakshyam / goal  for  attaining  heaven ( punya-lokam );

pariklishtam   ca  =  feeling  with  great  difficulty  ( grudgingly ); 

yat  danam   diyate   tat   rajasam  smritam  =  (with  the  above  said  way)  givenis  said  to  be  Rajasam. charity   


Commentary :

Now Lord Krishna explains the danam or charity that is given in raja guna the mode of passion. The danam that is given reluctantly, that is given grudgingly, that is given with the desire of receiving something in return or that is given with the hope of gaining a reward in the next life such as promotion to the heavenly planets is known to be firmly situated in raja guna. The particle tu meaning however indicates that this mentality is inferior to that of those situated in sattva guna the mode of goodness.

Continuing Lord Krishna explains that the danam or charity that is given with the intention of gaining something in return, with a desire to enjoy some benefit or to receive some service, or with the wish to achieve some goal such as the heavenly planets is said to be in raja guna the mode of passion. Also included in raja guna is danam which is given grudgingly or reluctantly.

Lord Krishna clarifies that danam or charity that is bequeathed with an inner desire and expectation for reward or danam that is proffered reluctantly, or danam that is inferior due to damage or spoilage, or danam that is undamaged and perfectly good and fresh unspoiled articles are stingily given grudgingly are all known to be situated in raja guna the mode of passion.

Charity is sometimes performed for elevation to the heavenly kingdom and sometimes with great trouble and with repentance afterwards. "Why have I spent so much in this way?" Charity is also sometimes made under some obligation, at the request of a superior. These kinds of charity are said to be made in the mode of passion.

There are many charitable foundations which offer their gifts to institutions where sense gratification goes on. Such charities are not recommended in the Vedic scripture. Only charity in the mode of goodness is recommended.

The best attitude of charity is to give without even being asked to do so. The second-best attitude is to give happily upon being requested for it. The third-best sentiment of charity is to give begrudgingly, having being asked for a donation, or to regret later, “Why did I give so much? I could have gotten away with a smaller amount.” Shree Krishna classifies this kind of charity in the mode of passion.

To be continued  ...



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