Commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita- Discourse- 9.7. - Swami Krishnananda.

Saturday,  July 10, 2021. 7:54. PM.
Chapter - 9. The Fourth Chapter Continues: The Performance of Action as a Sacrifice - 7.

 Mutually enlightening only on that particular theme. When we meet anybody, we should ask, “What have you studied? 

What is the progress that you have made? I would also like to have the benefit of knowing something.” As students sometimes compare their notes in schools and colleges, we can compare notes and compare experiences even among our colleagues. 

That is mutual illumination that we engender among ourselves, and that also becomes a kind of meditation. In a family, in a community where there are many people, we should not talk nonsense. 

We should always be talking on this great subject, which is the great health of the body, of society, and finally, liberation itself.

Depending on that only for our life and death. This is our life, and this is also our death, and we cannot have any other thought in our minds.  This is called the practice of Brahman.

There is a little book by Brother Lawrence called Practice of the Presence of God. You can all read that book. It is very interesting. His experience was that everywhere—in the shoes, in the kitchen and dishes, in the broomstick—everywhere is God only. 

Today we drew certain conclusions about our wrong apprehension of our relation between ourselves and the world and God, which creates binding karma, and the necessity to perform unselfish action in the form of yajna. What yajna is has been described. Yajna is actually brahmabhyasa—total dependence on God. This is, finally, unselfish action.


NEXT-Discourse-10. The Fifth Chapter Begins: Knowledge and Action are One -

To be continued ....



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