Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-15. Slokam - 9



Thursday, October 08, 2020. 10:42. AM.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita

Chapter-15. Purushothama-yogam

Slokam - 9.

"This  chapter is very important, hence kindly  follow  and  understand  each  slokam  well."



"Srotram  cakshuh  sparsanam  ca  rasanam  kranameva  ca,

adhishthaya  manascayam  vishyanupasevate."


Translation :

Ayam  =  jivatma;

srotram  cakshuh  sparsanam  ca  =  ear,  eye,  skin,  tongue,  nose;

rasanam  kranam  eva  ca  =  these  sense-organs  and  mind;

manah  ca  adhishthaya  =  taking  in  the  supports  of  the  above  said,  and  situating  in  them;

vishayan  upasevate  =  enjoying  the  vishaya-s  ( objects ).

 Atma  though  always  with  us,  why  we  could  not  see  it ?  It  is  possible  only  to  'Viveki'  ( the  discriminating mind  holder ) . It  is  said  so  here.


Tatvam (Essence) : 

Lord here  in  this  slokam  explains  the  subtle  body  which  is  the  upadhi  of  jivan  in  detail.


Discourse :

Through the medium of prakriti, the spiritual substratum pervading physical existence, by the gunas or three modes of material nature, the jiva or embodied being experiences the instruments of the senses in pursuance of enjoyment. Like when one plays upon the stringed vina it is played factually for the Supreme Lords pleasure alone. But the Supreme Lord enjoys only those attributes and qualities which are auspicious and righteous. What is inauspicious and unrighteous is only enjoyable by the demons and those who are evil. Such in-auspiciousness and unrighteousness is never pleasing to Lord Krishna. This can be understood by the following analogy. Darkness is existing but the moment the sun appears darkness disappears so the sun has no opportunity to experience darkness. In the same way the Supreme Lord never has an occasion to experience what is not auspicious and righteous.

Lord Krishna enumerates the senses and the purpose they accompany the jiva or embodied being. Presiding over the external sense organs the jiva utilises the eyes, the nose, the ears, etc. as well as the internal organ which is the mind to experience and enjoy sense objects such as sound, taste and touch.

Lord Krishna manifesting as the atma is the master of prakriti the material substratum pervading physical existence from which generates the gunas or three modes of material nature from whence arise the senses . The atma or immortal soul rules the senses as they are designed to function experiencing through them the enjoyable delights of their appropriate objects such as sights and sounds.

Lord Krishna further clarifies what objects accompany the senses such as the sense of sight, the sense of hearing, etc. The atma or immortal soul dwelling in the etheric heart of every jiva or embodied being experiences hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, touching as well as thinking through the mind. It also experiences the functions of the vital organs such as breathing of the lungs and beating of the heart along with the organs of locomotion.

To be continued   ....



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