Commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita- Discourse 3.7 - Swami Krishnananda


Saturday, May 09, 2020.
Discourse 3: The Second Chapter Begins – Sankhya Yogam -7.

#The individual, who is the perceiver of this so-called external world, is also constituted only of the three gunas. The bricks out of which the world is made are the very bricks that also make our body.

#The mind is subtle matter and the physical body is gross matter, and this grossness and subtlety depend upon the extent of the rarefaction of the gunas of prakriti that have gone into the composition of this body.

##Nevertheless, whatever is in the world outside is also within us.

##So there is an organic connection between the subject and the object, and therefore, our judgments about things will not be finally tenable if we do not take into consideration our own involvement in the process of judgment.

###The mind of the judge plays an important role in making judgments. What kind of mind does that person have?

###Whether it is a disturbed mind, an emotional mind, a prejudiced mind, an impartial mind or a conditioned mind, it will determine what kind of judgment can be expected.


#In a similar manner, this perception by the subject of the object varies from person to person, from individual to individual, among the eighty-four lakhs of species of creation, as they say. An ant’s perception may not be the same as an elephant’s perception, and so on.

##The judgment of values varies in accordance with the capacity to perceive in the case of different species of creation. The human being is one species, and he cannot take upon himself the privilege of knowing everything as if he is omniscient.

###He has only human eyes, and therefore, he sees only human values, and can see nothing else in this world.

#“So, Arjuna, you have made a mistake by not counting yourself as one of the persons in this world. The people in the world are not only outside; you are also one of the persons in this world. Hence, your judgment of people in the world includes judgment of yourself also, which you are not doing. You think the world is constituted of people who are totally cut off from you,” said Sri Krishna.
To be continued .....



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