The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity- 2.5.Swami Krishnananda


Chapter-2. The Sabha Parva of the Mahabharatam-5.

Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj never tired of saying that we must have a spiritual diary for questioning ourselves every day: what I am and how I am, and so on. Secretly, put a question to yourself: “Am I so important as I appear, or am I a foolhardy person? Something is wrong with me, and I must remove this weakness in me. I have decided that from tomorrow onwards I shall move earth and heaven to remove my weakness. I am very sorry I have this weakness. I shall remove it.” Gurus, Masters, saints, sages, and scriptures have told us also that there are ways of overcoming weaknesses.

Now I am digressing from this field to tell you the point that I was driving at, that we have various potentialities and tendencies in place.

Why do people behave in different ways, and not in a uniform way?

Why should the Pandavas be like that, and the Kauravas be like that?

Why should I be like this, and you be like that?

Why is this like this, and that like that?

It has to be like that because of the particular stage of evolution of the psyche in which one finds oneself at a given moment of time. It does not appear that everything is manifest at one stroke. There is what is called the system of the degrees of evolution; therefore, it is impossible for us to expect all humanity to entertain a single thought always, though that would be a happy thing. Let all people think only this thought, and one thought only. Why two thoughts? Then all the human beings will be one person only. That would be a happy state of affairs. This cannot happen because of the varieties in the levels of expression of the psyche, and these are the reasons behind confrontations, conflicts, and irreconcilable differences and tendencies.

So we are capable of differences also, and we are forced to work on the level of difference only, due to the fact of our each one being ourselves, each one of us being in a different state of evolution. Clash takes place. I cannot agree with you, I am jealous of you, etc. This was what happened when the children grew up in the palace of the great king. They did not like each other.

This is the Adi Parva of the Mahabharata. They started scratching, showing tooth and claw, hurling somebody down into the dust, and even attempting to finish off a person by hook or by crook.

To be continued ....



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