Gita : Ch-12. Slo-16. Discussion : 1.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-12. ( Bhakti-yogam )

Slokam-16. ( A devotee who is not dependant on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and who does not strive for some result, is very dear to Me.)

anapekshah   sucirdakshah  udasino  gatavyathah,

sarvarambhaparityagi  yo  madbhaktah  sa  me  priyah.

anapekshah  =  one  who  has  no  need  of  anything;

sucih  =  with  inner  and  outer  cleanliness ( i.e, Pure );

dakshah  =  clever  and  expert  in  his  karma-s;

 udasinah  =  free  from /  without  interest  in  anything;

 gatavyathah  =  without  any  anxiety;

sarva-arambha-parityagi  =  renouncer  of  all   endeavors;

 mad-bhaktah  yah  =  My  devotee  ( any  one );

sah  me  priyah  =  he  ( the  one  with  above  qualities )  is  dear  to  Me.

Discussion : 1.

The word anapeksah or indifference means aloof to external objects being solely attracted to the atma or eternal soul within.

 Sucih or purity means sustaining the body by nourishing oneself by sanctified foods as ordained in the Vedic scriptures.

Daksah or expert means proficiency in performing the Vedic injunctions and ordinances.

Udasinah or unconcerned means uninterested in matters that are not eternal.

Gata-vyathah or free from agitation means unaffected by experiencing the dualities of pleasure and pain, joy and grief , etc. while performing one's Vedic enjoined duties. Parityagi or fully renounced means one who has given up all endeavours unconnected to the Supreme Lord Krishna is very dear to Him.

To be continued  ....


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