Gita : Ch-12. Slo-12.Discussion-1.

( Very important slokam )
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :
Chapter-12. ( Bhakti-yogam )
Slokam-12. ( If you cannot take to this practice, then engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation, and better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for by such renunciation one can attain peace of mind.)

sreyo  hi  jnanam abhyasat  jnanaddhyanam  visisyate,

dhyanat  karmaphalatyagah  tyagacchantiranantaram.

abhyasat  =  than  practice ( abhyasam );

 jnanam  sreyah  hi  =  Jnanam ( knowledge ) is  superior;

 jnanat  =  than  jnanam;

dhyanam  visisyate  =  dhyanam  ( meditation ) is  superior;

dhyanat  =  than  dyanam;

karma-phala-tyagah  ( sreyah)  =  sacrificing / renunciation of  the  fruits  of  karmam, is  far  superior;

tyagat  anantaram  =  from  such  renunciation  thereafter  soon  without  delay;

santih  =  attain  peace.


Knowledge is superior to performance of an activity without proper knowledge.
Still better is meditation with divine knowledge rather than mere knowledge by itself.
In the Abhimlan section of the Sama Veda is stated: Better is divine knowledge then mere meditation.

Better is the meditation associated with divine knowledge rather then mere knowledge alone because from this comes atma tattva or realization of the soul and the Supreme peace. Along with meditation karma-phala-tyagas or renunciation of the rewards of actions, is also praised and is essential to spiritual success otherwise one would not be qualified.

To be continued   ....



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