Gita : Ch-12. Slo-13 & 14. Discussion-1.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :
Chapter-12. ( Bhakti-yogam )

Slokam-13 & 14.  ( One who is not envious but who is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor, who is free from false ego and equal both in happiness and distress, who is always satisfied and engaged in devotional service with determination and whose mind and intelligence are in agreement with Me-he is very dear to Me.)


adveshta  sarvabhutanam  maitrah  karuna  eva  ca,

nirmamo  nirahankarah  samaduhkhasukhah  kshami.


santushtah  satatam  yogi  yatatma  drddhaniscayah,

mayyarpitamanobuddhih  yo  madbhaktah  sa  me  priyah.


sarvabhutanam  adveshta  =  not  envious  towards  all  living  entities;

maitrah  karuna  eva  ca  =  also  friendly  and  kindly;

nirmamo  nirahankarah  =  with no sense of proprietorship  and   without false ego;

sama-duhkha-sukhah  =  minding / taking  in,  distress  and  happiness  equally;

kshami   =  with  forgiving  character.


satatam  santushtah  =  always  satisfied;

yogi  =  one  who  is  with  concentrating  mind;

yatatma  =  having  mind  under  control;

drddha-niscayah  =  with determination;

may-arpita-mano-buddhih  =  with  full  devotion  and  surrender  his  mind  and  intellect  unto  Me;

mad-bhaktah  yah  =  one  who  is  My  devotee;

sa  me  priyah  =  he is dear to Me.


The Supreme Lord Krishna confirms that the qualities He is describing are applicable to yo mad-bhaktah which means His exclusive devotee. The word advesta means free from hatred for any being at any time.

Maitrah means benign and showing good will to all, both well-wishers and ill-wishers by the understanding that they are merely following the tendencies of the impulse imparted to them by the Supreme Lord in relation to one's own good and bad actions.

Karunah means compassionate, to be sympathetic towards the sufferings of others, friend and foe alike.

Nirmamah means devoid of sentiments of possessiveness and ego related conceptions mine-ness regarding the physical body, family and associated relationships and objects.

Nirahankarah means free from the false conception of thinking one's self to be the physical body and consequently unaffected by the dualities of material existence such as pain and pleasure, praise and ridicule, joy and grief, etc. all based upon the mentality of the mind.

Ksami means tolerant, to be unaffected by external incidents such as physical accidents or catastrophes.

Santustah means always content with whatever comes along by its own accord for the purpose of bodily sustenance.
To be continued  ....


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