Gita : Ch-12. Slo-12.Discussion-5

(Very important slokam )
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :
Chapter-12. ( Bhakti-yogam )

Slokam-12. ( If you cannot take to this practice, then engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation, and better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for by such renunciation one can attain peace of mind.)

sreyo  hi  jnanam abhyasat  jnanaddhyanam  visisyate,

dhyanat  karmaphalatyagah  tyagacchantiranantaram.

abhyasat  =  than  practice ( abhyasam );

 jnanam  sreyah  hi  =  Jnanam ( knowledge ) is  superior;

 jnanat  =  than  jnanam;

dhyanam  visisyate  =  dhyanam  ( meditation ) is  superior;

dhyanat  =  than  dyanam;

karma-phala-tyagah  ( sreyah)  =  sacrificing / renunciation of  the  fruits  of  karmam, is  far  superior;

tyagat  anantaram  =  from  such  renunciation  thereafter  soon  without  delay;

santih  =  attain  peace.


Atma tattva or soul realisation is superior to meditation and the Svetasvatara Upanisad I.III states : -

After passing through abstraction and meditation those who achieved atma tattva perceived the innate power of the Supreme Lord concealed within His own qualities.

Atma tattva is not achieved by meditation upon the abstract; but by meditation upon the Supreme Lord combined with renunciation for the rewards of actions atma tattva is certainly achieved and the best means to enhance one's spiritual development.

This is because by renouncing the desire for reward for one's activities one no longer is forced to accept the reactions for one's actions and sins are no longer accrued.

Thus one achieves the Supreme peace.

Lord Krishna has already explained in chapter two, slokam 55 that the renunciation of all desires and cravings of the mind bestows the highest bliss and that one who has achieved this is considered to be sthita-prajna or self realised because one's satisfaction comes from the bliss of the atma or eternal soul within.

The Katha Upanisad VI.XIV states : -When all the desires lodged in one's heart have been given up and released then a mortal being becomes immortal and realises the brahman or the spiritual substratum pervading all existence.

To be continued  .....


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