Gita : Ch-12. Slo-11.Discussion-2.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita:

Chapter-12. ( Bhakti-yogam )

Slokam-11. ( If, however, you are unable to work in this consciousness, then try to act giving up all results of your work and try to be self-situated.)


athaitadapyasaktosi  kartum  madyogamasritah,

sarvakarmaphalatyagam  tatah  kuru  yatatmavan.

atha  etat  api  kartum  =  later  to  do  this  way;

asaktah  asi  =  if  you  don't  have  enough  strength;

tatah  =  then  next;

mad-yogam-asritah  =  aiming  your  goal  towards  Me;

yatatmavan  =  having  balanced-mind;

sarva-karma-phala-tyagam  kuru  =  discard / sacrifice the  fruits  of   your  karmam ( i.e,  the  desire  for  the  fruits ).


Such a person will focus the fullness of all of their love on Lord Krishna as their sole ultimate goal.
All their actions are actually forms of Lord Krishna's worship as they are performed for His satisfaction or as a matter of duty without craving for any rewards.
Meditation on the atma results in the obliteration of all obstacles and impediments and the eradication of avidya or ignorance and confers realisation of the atma as being eternal and purely spiritual in totality and essentially a part of Lord Krishna's internal nature.
When this communion has been experienced then love of God erupts in the heart and becomes a natural occurrence.
This topic will be further delineated in chapter 18, slokam-s - 53 and 54.

If one is still unable to fulfil the practices of steadfast devotion to Lord Krishna, or succeed in repeated training of a distracted mind to remember the Supreme Lord with regularity or are even not able to perform occasional rituals and ceremonies propitiation to Him then Lord Krishna gives the sagacious advice to take complete refuge in Him alone with controlled senses, performing one's Vedically authorised activities according to time and circumstances solely as an offering to Him without desire for rewards.

If one desires even the slightest reward either subtle such as prestige and recognition or gross such as wealth and position, one's actions can never manifest as bhakti or exclusive loving devotion to Lord Krishna and without bhakti there will be for certain a reaction and the need for a subsequent attempt to neutralise it by obligatory rites such as Agnihotra.

The following is what is meant by surrender: All I can do is to perform all activities under the command of the Supreme Lord according to my ability with the guidance of guru, Vaisnavas and sastra or Vedic scriptures; but the results whether visible or invisible are all in the hands of the Supreme Lord.

If one who is Lord Krishna's devotee, renounces the desire for rewards and lives their life fully surrendered to Him, leaving all responsibility for even their daily maintenance unto Him, He will protect them and they by His grace will attain eternal communion with Him.

To be continued  ...


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