Gita : Ch-5. Introduction-6.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-5. ( Karma-sanyasa-yogam )


However,  We  must  give  credit  to  the  strong,  deep,  tattvam  of  Gita.

A flower  should  change  into  unripe  fruit,  that  is  the  flowers' desire  /  fate / saphalyam.

In  this  prikrya  ( activity )  there  is  destruction  to  its  previous  state, i.e,  flower fades  and  drops.

We  see  an  unripe  fruit  in  place  of  flower  now.

Because  of  this  no  one  laments  about  the  destruction  and  loss  of  flower.

Flower  discarded  its  unnecessary  parts,  and  its  essence  in  the  form  of  unripe  fruit.

That  is  all.

Considering  the  above  we  can  say  that  if  Vedik  literature is  flower,  then  Gita  sastram  is  its  fruit

The  activities  or  rituals  put  forth  in  the  karma-kandam  of  Veda-s,  the  unnecessary  rituals  are  discarded,  and  the  essence  of  Veda-s,  that  is  a  complete  jivitha-sastrm ( life-science )  took  shape  in  a  text  namely,  Srimad  Bhagavad-Gita.

 To be continued  ...


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