Gita : Ch-5. Introduction-2.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-5. ( Karma-sanyasa-yogam )


Arjuna's  understanding  about  Karmam as  following  :

1. Yajnam,  Yagam,  Homam  are  all  come  under  ' Vaidika  Karmam'.

2. and  Sanyasam  means  total  renunciation  and  immerse  in  Tapas  in  the  forest.

Arjuna  is  well  educated  in  Sastram  and  intelligent,  still  he  has  this  misunderstanding  regarding  haindava-dharmam  during  that  yugam,   i,e.  even  this  was  the  state  of  that  ancient  days,  what  will  be  the  present yugam  "Kali".

Lord  Sri  Krishna's  effort  in  this  regard  is  to  re-establish  new  life  to  the  haidava- dharmic  samskaram  and  remove  the  all  misunderstandings.

In  this  context : we  have  seen  in  the  last  chapter  that  how  the  secretly  kept  Yajna-s,  in  the  use  of  day  to  day  life's  duties  of  human beings.

Those  days,  when  very  few  people  ( the  Bramana's )  has  the  control  on  this  valuable  Vedik-karma-s  as  their  own  private  property,  Lord  cleared  this  and  re-established  that  all  Vedik-activities  are  for  all human race  and  opened  this  to  all.

To be continued  ...



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