Gita : Ch-5. Introduction-3.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-5. ( Karma-sanyasa-yogam )


Lord  Sri  Krishna  has  already  explained  during  discussions  with  Arjuna   on  Karmam  in  third  and  fourth  chapters  in  detail.

Hereafter,  after  following  and  practicing  them,  Sadhaka-s  should  achieve  the  Supreme Goal 'Perfection'.

Therefore,  hence  Lord  has  to  explain  the  method  to  "how  to  discard  'Karmam'  intelligently.

From  'Tamasic' and  'slumber'  it  is  essential  to  awake  human  being  and  initiate /engage  him in  Karmam.

At  least  let  him  do  karmam  for  his  selfish  needs,  if  he  proceeds  like  this  to  gain  and  enjoy  the  fruits  of  his  karmam,   he  will  be  changing  from  his  'Tamo-gunam'  to  'Rajo-gunam'.

Then,  thereafter,  he  has  to  has  to  come  out  of  this  stage,  i.e,  "Sakama-karmam."

For  this  he  has  to  change  this  "Sakama-karmam"  to  "Nishkama-karmam."

That  is,  discard  selfish-karmam,  and  then  do  karmam  for  the  benefit  of  society / community/ to  the  whole  world,  honestly  and  sincerely.

This  way  whatever  karmam  done  is  called  "Yjnam"

When  he  reaches  this  stage,  in  Sadhakan,  "Satvic-gunam" enlarges,  then  his  inner  will  be  crystal  clear  and  peaceful.

Then  only  he  is  preparing  for  the  eligibility  for  "Atma-dyanam" (search  of  Self) / meditation.

Through  this,  Sadhakan  is  gradually  overcome  his  bhavam  of  jivatma  and  achieve  the  "Paramarma-Anubhuthi" ( Bliss).
To  be  continued ....


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