Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-14, Slokam - 21.


Monday, May 25, 2020.
Srimad  Bhagavad-Gita :
Slokam :

Arjuna Uvaca :
"Kairlingaistrin  gunanetan  atito  bhavati  prabho,
kimacarah  katham  caitan  trin  gunanativartate."
Translation :

Arjuna inquired:
O my dear Lord, by what symptoms is one known who is transcendental to those modes?
What is his behavior?
And how does he transcend the modes of nature?

Arjuna uvaca  = Arjuna  asked  Lord;
prabho  =   my  Lord;
etan  trin   gunan  atitah  =  one  who  cross  over /  transcend,  far  beyond  all  these  three  guna-s ( modes/nature/qualities );
kaih  lingaih  bhavati  =  he  by  which  symptoms  ( lakshana-s )
acarah  kim  =  what  is  the  behaviour  of  these  three  guna-s;
ca  =  not  only  that;
katham  =  how?;
etan  trin  gunan  =  these  three  guna-s;
ativartate  =  walk  through  / cross  across / transcend.

Discourse :

In this slokam, Arjuna's questions are very appropriate. He wants to know the symptoms of a person who has already transcended the material modes. He first inquires of the symptoms of such a transcendental person.

How can one understand that he has already transcended the influence of the modes of material nature?

The second question asks how he lives and what his activities are. Are they regulated or unregulated?

Then Arjuna inquires of the means by which he can attain the transcendental nature. That is very important. Unless one knows the direct means by which one can be situated always transcendentally, there is no possibility of showing the symptoms. So all these questions put by Arjuna are very important, and the Lord answers them.

Excited from hearing Lord Krishna reveal that by transcending the three gunas or modes of material nature one attains immortality; many questions arose in the mind of Arjuna. With a view to more comprehensively understand the characteristics and conduct of such a great being and also to learn the direct means they used to achieve immortality he humbly requests Lord Krishna to reveal it.

By what characteristics means what distinguishes such a one and by what symptoms can such a one be perceived?

By what conduct is meant how does such a one live and how does such a one behave?

Then in conclusion he asks by what means is such phenomenal feat possible.

Having heard Lord Krishna declare that those who transcend the three gunas or modes of material nature attain immortality amazes Arjuna and he is exhilarated to know about the characteristics and conduct of such great beings as well as by what means they were able to achieve this.

Specifically he asks Lord Krishna to reveal by what symptoms can such a one be recognised?

What is their behavior and by what method they were able to attain this.

The word lingais means symptoms. By what symptoms can a liberated being be perceived?

What distinguishes them from others?

The word acarah means conduct. By what means does such a liberated being conduct themselves?

How does one transcend the three gunas or modes of material nature?

These questions will be answered by Lord Krishna next.
Next-Slokam 22.
To be continued  .......



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