Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-14, Slokam - 20.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-14, Slokam - 20.

Slokam :

"Gunanetanatitya  trin  dehi dehasamudbhavan,
janmamrtyujaraduhkhaiah   vimuktomrtamasnute."
Translation :

"When the embodied being is able to transcend these three modes, he can become free from birth, death, old age and their distresses and can enjoy nectar even in this life."

dehi               =  the  jivatma  who  has  the  body-consciousness;

deha-samudbhavan   =  the  cause  for  the  birth  of  the  body;

etan  trin  gunan  = all  these  three  guna-s;

atitya             =  ( transcending )  overcomes  and  ( thereafter );

janma-mrtyu-jara-duhkhaiah  = from  the  miseries / distresses  of  birth,  death  and  old-age;

vimuktah             =  being  freed  from;

amrtam  asnute       =  ( thereafter )  experiences  amratam ( nectar / 'Brahmanandam' ). 


Discourse :
Having transcended material existence in one's physical body in this very life through atma tattva or realization ot the immortal soul within the etheric heart. One effortlessly rises above the three gunas or modes of material nature no longer influenced by them. Lord Krishna confirms that when this transpires one is eternally freed from birth, old age, disease and death as well as all the effects of material nature and qualifies to enter the immortal spiritual realms forever in association with Him.
The three gunas or modes of material nature all arise from prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence from which the physical body manifests. When the jiva or embodied being transcends them all and realises the atma or immortal soul which is of the nature of infinity. Such a being attains moksa and is liberated from samsara or the perpetual cycle of birth and death and all misery and sorrows associated with material existence. At the time one achieves atma-tattva or soul realisation, one assumes a spiritual body that is immortal. This is what Lord Krishna is declaring.
Thus by the cessation of all attachments and attractions associated with the three gunas or modes of material nature one transcends them along with the three evils of birth, old age and death one achieves moksa or liberation from material existence. Then the jiva or embodied being released from the transitory physical body attains an immortal spiritual body capable of associating with the Supreme Lord Krishna eternally.
How one can stay in the transcendental position, even in this body, in highest meditation, is explained in this slokam. The Sanskrit word dehi means embodied. Although one is within this material body, by his advancement in spiritual knowledge he can be free from the influence of the modes of nature. He can enjoy the happiness of spiritual life even in this body because, after leaving this body, he is certainly going to the spiritual sky. But even in this body he can enjoy spiritual happiness. In other words, devotional service in deep  concentration is the sign of liberation from this material entanglement, and this will be explained in the Eighteenth Chapter. When one is freed from the influence of the modes of material nature, he enters into devotional service.
To be continued......



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