Commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita- Discourse 3.9 - Swami Krishnananda


Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Discourse 3: The Second Chapter Begins – Sankhya Yogam -9.

*Thus, the movement of prakriti within itself in the form of the sense organs and the mind on the one hand, and the objects on the other hand, are taken by us as two different activities taking place.

#(BG- CH 3.SL 28)
"Actually, prakriti is cognising prakriti—'guna guneshu vartanta iti matva na sajjate.' "
*One wave is dashing against another wave in the ocean, and two persons are not actually involved there. The structure of the sense organs and the mind is responsible for the kind of consciousness that is passing through that particular structure, and yet we should not forget that the sense organs and the mind are composed of the very same gunas of prakriti—sattva, rajas and tamas—and, in different permutations and combinations, the objects are constituted of the very same three gunas.

##So when something is known, when we cognise or perceive an object, it is prakriti that is colliding with prakriti.

###Therefore, we are not doing anything. But we think that we are isolated individuals, sitting and judging things. No judgment is possible, individually. Therefore, nobody does any action, ultimately.


#Sri Krishna’s philosophy, finally, is that no individual action is possible. All action is cosmic action, as the very concept of individuality is ruled out in the light of this predicament of all perception being only a collision of the subjective side of prakriti with its objective side.

##Hence, who does anything in this world? It is prakriti doing within itself whatever it wants to do, as the rumbling within the bowels of the ocean may rise up as billowing waves on the surface, yet it is one activity taking place.

###If something is happening in the Atlantic Ocean, it can be felt in the Arabian Sea, and we cannot say that there are two different seas working. It is one impulse working through different areas.
To be continued .....



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