The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita : 2-5. Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 2: The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker - 5.


*The first chapter, which is a yoga no doubt, is yoga in a very, very specific sense. 

#Difficulties and doubts of the type expressed in the first chapter are not likely to arise in the minds of people who are normally happy in the work-a-day world. When you investigate deeply, philosophically, into the structure of things, you'll have doubts which would not have occurred to your mind normally. 

*Nobody bothers about how the world came in, why the sun is rising always in the east, and where does it go in the night. These questions do not arise in the minds of anybody; everything is taken for granted.

##But when you start probing into these difficulties, mysteries – why the planets are going round the sun, and what is it that is happening when we have seasons and when we are feeling heat in summer and cold in winter – though these questions are never put by anybody and they are all taken for granted, yet when you put these questions you have to scratch your head three times before you answer them. 

**"What is happening? 

***Why is it cold in one place and hot in another place even in the same season?" etc., etc. 

###These are to give you only some gross instances of problems that you may have to face when you question anything; otherwise, everything is fine.

To be continued ...



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