The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita : 2-4. Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 2: The Difficulties of the Spiritual Seeker -4.

#The complacency of a happy person in this world is really a danger to the individual. 

*This was the complacency of Arjuna and the foolhardy heroism that he manifested before he entered the battlefield. 

**A person who may be appearing to be healthy and very pleasant in his life may be attacked by an epidemic tomorrow, and this possibility cannot be prevented merely by a precedent happiness a day earlier. 

##The tentative illness that you seem to be in, psychologically, when you tread the path of yoga is the one in which many of us find ourselves – a sense of having lost oneself and a feeling that one does not know where one is standing, which feeling you would not have had before you took to the spiritual way of living or the path of yoga. People are happy in this world. 

*They are travelling all directions and eat well, sleep well, they go to clubs – there is no trouble with anybody in the world. 

**But the trouble arises the moment you turn to the spirit and take to a religious life or what you call yoga. 

***You are confounded in a new manner altogether, a confusion which might not have presented itself before you when you were a happy bird in the free world outside. 

###Why is this? 

*How are you going to explain this new difficulty that you are facing when you are moving in the direction of God, even if you are to be honest in this pursuit? 

**Every spiritual seeker may be said to be uniformly in this condition of difficulty – a kind of reaction that is set up by the very idea of taking to yoga.

To be continued ...



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