The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 4.3. Swami Krishnananda


The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita
Chapter 4: Stories from the Aranya Parva - 3.

*Another incident was very humorous. 

**Many of you might have heard this story. The jealous, envious Duryodhana did not want that the Pandavas should have peace, even in the forest. 

***They had been exiled, were in a very bad condition, had lost everything, and this man need not have any fear of them. Even then, he did not want to know that they are alive. 

#One day he had a peculiar idea in his mind, which arose due to some sudden circumstance that occurred. The great sage Durvasa came to Duryodhana’s palace, and he was very mightily pleased with the hospitality accorded to him by the king, Duryodhana. “Ask for a boon,” said the sage.

*Do you know what kind of boon Duryodhana asked for? 

**“I would very much wish that your holiness extend this kind of blessing to my brethren in the forest. They too will be happy to receive you and to extend to you this same hospitality. What can be a greater satisfaction to me than the same blessing be given to them also?” 

***Look at this man. He knew that they could not give anything because they were beggars, and the sage would be so angry. Nobody could encounter Durvasa’s anger, and the Pandavas would be destroyed by the curse of this man. 

#So this was the very shrewd suggestion Duryodhana gave. “O your Holiness, please bless them also.”


#The holy sage went at midday, with eighty thousand disciples. Yudhisthira, who was extremely kind, received the great sage. 

##“Blessed is this spot at this moment to have your divinity here. You shall receive my hospitality today.” 

*The good man sometimes spoke without proper understanding. What kind of hospitality could he give to eighty thousand disciples? 

**And they have to be served lunch. Well, you may say, there is an inexhaustible vessel, so why not serve? 

***But unfortunately the queen had eaten, and there was nothing left there. 

###And the sage said, “Yes, I shall have my bath and come.” He went to the river for a bath, along with his eighty thousand disciples.

Draupadi, poor lady, knew the predicament. “What have you done?” she asked her husband. “You have said, ‘Please come for lunch.’ What will we cook? And you know the consequence of his displeasure.”

Yudhisthira said, “Now I have spoken, and what I have said, I have said.”

“Oh Lord, protect us!” she wept inside the house.
To be continued ...



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