BHAGAVAD GEETA: 92 - Swami Advayananda.


Chapter - 2
Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas)
“Yoga of the SUPREME SELF”
Sri Veda Vyasaji


Sunday 20, October 2024, 06:10.
Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self  
(Slogas - 68-72, 5 No.) 
Slogam- 68S: A1-B3: Full Summary – The Sthitaprajna 
Post - 92.



(Slogas - 68-72, 5 No.) 

Slogam- 68: A1-B3: Full Summary – The Sthitaprajna 


Tasmaat yasya mahaabaaho = Therefore, O Mighty-armed, he who has 

nigriheetaani sarvashah; = completely restrained in every way all his 


indriyaani indriya-arthebhyah = senses from the sense-objects, 

tasya prajnaa pratishthitaa. = his knowledge is steady (he can succeed in Sravana). 


The minimum Sadhana to become a steady-minded sage is given in this slogam. 

At the same time, this verse summarises the whole teaching of Sri Krishna so far. 

Indeed, throughout the Geeta, this is the fundamental Sadhana to be practised. 


 Mahaabaaho: “one with strong arms”. 

This is significant. It is as if Sri Krishna is throwing out a challenge to Arjuna: 

“O you of strong arms! Come, try your famous strength on this problem. Control your senses – that is the real test of your strength.” 


 Now for the “little surprise:” we referred to earlier in slogam 64. 

All the four questions of Arjuna are found to have the same answer – the senses have to be restrained; that is the minimum requirement. 

Sense-control is the foundation upon which a Sthitaprajna is built. 

One who achieves that enters the fold of the steady-minded sages. 


 Knowledge refers to knowledge of the Self obtained during Sravana, i.e. Sri Krishna’s opening words on Saankhya Yoga. 

Here at the conclusion of the discussion on Sthitaprajna, we return to highlight the value of this knowledge. 

While sense-control may be the external Sadhana, living in the spirit of the knowledge is the internal Sadhana. 

Only when Matpara is combined with both these aspects, can we succeed in them. 

Let us fill our heart with love for God as much as possible, then we can make this journey safely. 

Let God be the anchor of our life. 



Slogam- 69: The “Night and Day” Simile 




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