BHAGAVAD GEETA: 91 - Swami Advayananda.

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"Life Changers" by Swami Swaroopananda distills spiritual wisdom into practical lessons, offering clarity on navigating life’s challenges with grace. What impresses readers most about this collection of thoughts is Swamiji's ability to make complex ideas accessible and relevant to the modern world. This books feels like a personal conversation, guiding one to greater self-awareness and purpose. 

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Chapter - 2
Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas)
“Yoga of the SUPREME SELF”
Sri Veda Vyasaji


Sunday 13, October 2024, 06:10.
Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self  
(Slogas 54-67, 14 No.
Slogam - 67: Q4: The Sadhaka Facing Grave Danger
Post - 91.


Slogam - 67: Q4: The Sadhaka Facing Grave Danger:

|| 2-67|| 

Indriyaanaam hi charataam = If in the wake of the wandering senses, 

yat manah anu-vi-dheeyate; = the mind follows with eagerness; 

tad asya harati prajnaam = that would carry away his discrimination


vaayuh naavam iva ambhasi. =  even as the wind carries away a boat in water. 


The “wind carrying away a ship in the ocean” is a powerful metaphor to illustrate 

how a Sadhaka’s life can be completely destroyed if the foundation of sense control is not 

laid properly. The metaphor is laid out in a tabular form below for easy understanding: 

1. Who is the passenger? It is the Jeeva or individual soul. Here the mind represents 

the Jeeva that is trapped on this side in worldliness. 

2. Where does it want to go? It wants to go to the other shore of Samsara, across the 

waters of the ocean. Instead, the mind follows the senses and gets totally lost.

3. The ship we have to take us there is our intellect or Buddhi. The Intellect provides 

the discriminating power and knowledge which will help us to reach our goal. 

4. Unexpectedly, heavy winds and cyclonic weather are encountered in the deep 

seas. The ship sways dangerously. To stabilize it, we have to have the anchors of Matpara, 

or remembrance of God. Without the anchor of Matpara, it is not going to be possible to get 

across safely. 




(Slogas - 68-72,   5 No.) 

Slogam- 68: A1-B3: Full Summary – The Sthitaprajna 




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