BHAGAVAD GEETA: 90 - Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission Mumbai:

Let us align our actions with this powerful day and seek the blessings of our ancestors for our well-being and growth. 🌿🌼


Chapter - 2
Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas)
“Yoga of the SUPREME SELF”
Sri Veda Vyasaji


Wednesday 02, October 2024, 06:10.
Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self  
(Slogas 54-67, 14 No.
Slogam - 66: Q4: From Steady Intellect to Pure Happiness 
Post - 90.


Slogam - 66: Q4: From Steady Intellect to Pure Happiness: 

Na aasti buddhih ayuktasya =  There is no knowledge of the Self to the unsteady; 

na cha ayuktasya bhaavanaa; =  and to the unsteady, no meditation is possible; 

na cha abhaavayatah shaantih = and to the unmeditative, there is no PEACE; 

ashaantasya kutah sukham? = to the one with no peace, whence is Happiness? 


A Sadhaka’s path is strewn with dangers of all sorts. The basic fault in a Sadhaka is 

usually the absence of sufficient faith and trust in the Lord. When the very crucial step of 

Matpara is omitted from the Sadhaka’s Sadhana, when he attempts to do serious Sadhana 

such as meditation without surrendering his mind to God, then he takes a big risk. It is as 

good as impossible to control the senses without having an anchorage in God, who 

represents the higher ideal. 


 If a Sadhaka’s intellect remains unsteady, it is not possible to move a single step 

further. Without a steady intellect that can intellectually grasp the knowledge of the Self 

during the time of Sravana, one cannot conceive of what the Self is. 


 If this intellectual grasp of the knowledge in Sravana is not obtained, the seeker 

cannot even start the practice of meditation (Step 6) on the Self. An unsteady intellect 

simply cannot meditate. It will not know what to meditate on! 


 To such a person who is not able to meditate, how can he get established in his 

Self? He will go on wavering in his thoughts. Thus without meditation it is not possible to 

obtain the ultimate ‘Prize’ of “the Peace that passeth all understanding” (Step 7).  


 And without this ultimate state of Peace how is it possible to get Happiness (Step 

8)? Happiness here refers to the Brahmic Bliss that the sage experiences upon realisation.  

In this very logical way, Sri Krishna forewarns the seeker who tries to walk this path 

without controlling his senses. Sri Krishna Himself asserts that sense-control is not possible 

without Matpara or love for a personal God. Without Divine Love the spiritual Path is just 

about impossible to tread. 

Just as Shaanti is superior to Prasaada although both refer to peace, so also there is 

another “Absence of Pain” superior to Step 4 and which is due to Absolute Purity. This 

follows the attainment of Shaanti. It is freedom from the Pain of Karma. When all our 

Karmas are destroyed, we are freed from the pain of taking birth in an embodied form ever 

again. This is a pain of an altogether greater order from that of Step 4, ordinary pain. 

Pujya Gurudev says, “Without a glorious goal in front of us to beckon us unto Itself, 

our life shall be a lost ship in the bosom of an ocean, reaching nowhere, and ultimately 

floundering upon some treacherous rock.” 

Indeed, this is the very metaphor that Sri Krishna uses in the next slogam . . . 



Slogam - 67: Q4: The Sadhaka Facing Grave Danger




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