Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 74.


Saturday, January 28, 2023. 07:00. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.



With Translation :

sanjaya uvaca

"ityaham   vasudevasya   parthasya   ca   mahatmanah,

samvadamimamasrausham   adbhutam   romaharshanam."

"Sanjaya said: Thus have I heard the conversation of two great souls, Krishna and Arjuna. And so wonderful is that message that my hair is standing on end."


Translation :

sanjaya uvaca  =  sanjaya  said;

iti   vasudevasya   =   thus,  Paramatma  Lord  Sri  Krishna;

mahatmanah   parthasya   ca   =   and   Mahatma   Arjuna;

adbhutam   romaharshanam   =   wonderful   and   hair standing on end;

imam   samvadam   =   this   discussion;

aham   asrausham   =   I  heard!   


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

The use of the name Vasudeva the son of Vasudeva in referring to Lord Krishna denotes how the Supreme Lord deigns to manifest His completely spiritual body in human form with a father and mother like any other human in order to conceal His supreme divinity. 

The use of the word Partha refers to Arjuna as the son of Pritha who is Vasudeva's sister and Lord Krishna's paternal aunt. 

This relationship illustrates how deeply and dearly Lord Krishna loves all His creation. 

The word mahatma meaning great soul refers to Lord Krishna being paramatma the supreme soul existing simultaneously in the etheric hearts of every living entity. 

It can also refer to Arjuna who heeding the advice and instructions of Lord Krishna has become eminently wise in tatvam eternal spiritual verities.

Thus Sanjaya having been given inner vision by Vedavyasa, having narrated to King Dhritarastra of the Kauravas the divine discourse of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita spoken by Lord Krishna : - resumes the thread of the narration by stating that he found the divine dialogue to be adbhutam or astonishing and rama-harshanam or causing the hair on his body to stand on end in horripilation.

In this way Sanjaya narrated the complete divine discourse of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and linking it to himself remarks how amazing it was and how astounded he was by directly witnessing it. 

The adjective mahatma meaning great souls refers to Lord Krishna as well as all His devotees.

To be continued  ...



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