Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 73.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023. 07:00. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.




With Translation :

arjuna uvaca

"nashto   mohah    smrtirlabdha    tvatprasadat    mayacyuta,

sthitosmi    gatasandehah     karishye    vacanam    tava."

"Arjuna said, O Krishna,  my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy, and I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions."


Translation :

arjuna uvaca   =   Arjuna  said!

acyuta!   =   O  Lord!

tvat-prasadat   =  by  your  blessings:

mohah  nashtah   =   dispelled  illusion;

smrtih   maya   labdha    =   thereafter  regained  true / real  awareness;

gata-sandehah   sthitah    asmi    =    and   relieved  from  my  doubts  I  am  ready;


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

The words tvat prasadan means by your grace. By the grace of Lord Krishna all illusion was dispelled. 

The word tvat is derived from tvatvam meaning eternal spiritual verities. 

The word smriti means wisdom, enlightenment concerning the absolute nature of tvatvam. 

By the Supreme Lord's Grace this was bestowed. 


Smriti consists in knowing that the atma or immortal soul is distinct from matter, that the atma is different in nature from matter, that the atma is cognizant and existing equally in all jivas or embodied beings including humans, animals, fish, plants etc. and that the atma is an infinitesimal, eternal part of the Supreme Lord Krishna is dependent upon Him, under His direction and always in allegiance to Him. 

Smriti also consists in knowing that Lord Krishna is the sole origin of all creation, duration and dissolution of the complete material existence and all its myriad of unlimited variegated beings. 


Knowing that He is the opposing antithesis to all that is evil. 

Knowing that He is the almighty ocean of illustrious attributes such omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, unrivalled power, wisdom, beauty, wealth, fame and renunciation. 

In knowing that Lord Krishna is He that is described so gloriously as the goal of the Vedic scriptures and in knowing that He is knowable by the Vedic scriptures. Smriti consists in knowing that Lord Krishna can only be attained by bhakti exclusive loving devotion unto Him. 

Such an exalted position is only achieved by knowledge of lower and higher, what is the ultimate and what is the minimal, what is to be accepted and what is to be rejected. 


Tvatvam the eternal spiritual verities are to be embraced all else is to be discarded.

The word moha means illusion, the obfuscation of absolute knowledge for perverted knowledge. 

Moha is also infatuation with the physical body believing it to be the actual self instead of just a vehicle for the jiva or embodied being Moha is also delusory misconceptions about the nature of karma reactions from actions, the nature of nitya or the eternal prescribed Vedic duties and the nature of naimittika the occasional prescribed Vedic duties. 


Erroneously thinking that devotional activities to the Supreme Lord lead to bondage. 

Illusion is distorted knowledge which gives rise to false conceptions of relationships to family, friends, race, country, planet, etc. 

It also gives false conceptions to the limitations of individual freewill. 

Distorted knowledge perpetually manifests distorted knowledge. 

By the Supreme Lords Grace all such delusions, doubts and misconceptions have been dispelled.


Here Lord Krishna is addressed as acyuta meaning infallible one. 

This is because the omniscient Lord Krishna is cognizant of all His previous incarnations over trillions and trillions of years but Arjuna could not even remember his previous life where Lord Krishna was Narayana and he was Nara and both were celibate sages. 

The purport is that Arjuna was already self-realised in the previous life but this knowledge disappeared in the present life. 

Now it was revived again by the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad- Gita imparted by the grace of Lord Krishna. 

The vocative acyuta denotes the reality that by Lord Krishna's grace, His omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence as the supreme sovereign, the paramount controller and the sole creator, maintainer, protector and sustainer of all existence.

Being blessed by the Supreme Lord, joyfully declares that his delusion about th atma or immortal soul has been dispelled and terminated as he has now achieved realisation of his eternal nature by the grace of the Lord Krishna. 

Therefore Arjuna stands up on the battlefield free from doubt and clear about his dharma or eternal righteous to execute his duties as a ksatriya or royal warrior and follow the commands of the Supreme Lord.

To be continued  

VIDEO : Swami Chinmayananda

Swami Chinmayananda
"O mind, get away from this ocean of sorrow and get into the blissful state of it. Drop it! When we say drop it, we are not asking you to drop anything precious, anything rich, anything gracious. We are asking you to give up this garbage of the world of plurality stinking and pain-ridden, worm-ridden. Drop it! Next moment you are in bliss absolute."



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