Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-18, Slokam - 71.


Thursday, January 19, 2023. 06:30. 

Chapter-18.  Moksha-sannyasa-yogam.



Very important slokam

Read carefully and  understand  well.


with Translation :

"sraddhavananasuyasca  srnuyadapi    yo   narah,

sopi  muktah  subhan   lokan   prapnuyat  punyakarmanam."

"And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reaction and attains to the planets where the pious dwell." 


Translation :

sraddhavan   =   one  who  has  sraddha  ( faithful  one  );

anasuyah   ca   =   and  not  envious;

yah   narah   =    who,  the  man;

srnuyat   api  =  does  heat  atleast;

sah   api    muktah   =   he  also  being  liberated;

punya-karmanam   =   holy  pious  atma-s  of  the  past;

subhan    lokan     =   in  the  auspicious  worlds;

prapnuyat   =   attains. 


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :   

Furthermore Lord Krishna confirms that one with faith in Him, without malice and envy, who even hears slokam-s  of  Srimad Bhagavad-Gita from His devotee is sufficient to free one from the sins obstructing one from beginning bhakti exclusive loving devotion unto the Supreme Lord by which one will become a muktah liberated being. 

Just to hear this divine discourse from the Supreme Lords devotee is enough to be released from samsara the perpetual cycle of birth and death. 

Such a blessed one will join the ranks of the Supreme Lords devoted servitors abiding eternally in the imperishable spiritual realms.

Even if one does not recite it themselves but listens to others reciting Srimad Bhagavad-Gita. 

Such a person who appreciates the words of Lord Krishna and has faith in them and is not critical of a faulty pronunciation or imperfect meter. 

Such a person from merely hearing this divine discourse will enter the joyous heavenly spheres at the cessation of life.

Continuing further Lord Krishna affirms that even one who merely hears another reciting Srimad Bhagavad-Gita is totally released from all sins as well; if they have listened with sincerity and humility.

To be continued 



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