Commentary on the Bhagavadgita - 12- 4. Swami Krishnananda.




Friday,  September 10, 2021. 9:10. PM.
Discourse 12 :

Gita- Ch-5, Slo-17.


gacchantyapunarāvṛttiṃ jñānanirdhūtakalmaṣāḥ

One can attain to this state of utter perfection free from the goodness or the badness of things, or the qualities of prakriti, by intense concentration on the transcendence which is God. God is untarnished because of there being no change, no mutation, no difference, no physicality, and no externality in God. Meditation is to be conducted by the consciousness of the seeker on a universal transcendence of its own self, freed from the clutches of whatever the world may appear to be.

Tadbuddhayah : They are tadbuddhaya? who are centred in their intellect, and through their intellect are centred in That; their understanding is rooted in That.

tadātmānah : Whose self is perfectly lodged in That. Our existence itself is Its existence, and Its existence is our existence; this state of affairs is called tad?tm?na?. Tad?tm?na? is the uniting of the self with the Self. That is, the individual self unites itself with the Universal Self. That state is called tad?tm?na?. Those who are established in their understanding have also their self rooted in that Supreme Being.

tanniṣṭhās: Whose main occupation is establishment in that Supreme Being. Our daily activity, our professions, our occupations, whatever we do, is a preparation for the establishment of ourselves in That. It does not mean that our daily routine is contrary to God-realisation. The activities of people, the daily routine of anybody, should be so conducted and so refined and harmonised that it stands perfectly in order in respect of that Supreme Being, Who is perfect order. It does not mean that when we move to God, we move from wrong to right. It is a movement from the lesser right to the higher right. It is also not moving from falsehood to truth. It is a movement from the lesser truth to the higher truth.

Therefore, those people whose Atman, the Self, is pre-eminently established in the Supreme Self find that all their daily routine also is so immensely affected by this union that the otherwise distracting and dividing form of human activity becomes a manifold emanation from the Self that is at the back of all activity, in the same way as rays emanate from the sun. The rays of the sun may be said to be the activities of the sun in some way; but this activity of the sun in the form of the emanation of rays is not independent of the existence of the sun. Therefore, the light and the radiance of the sun are also to be seen in the rays. The action of the sun is identical with the existence of the sun. Similarly, our activities should be spiritual in their nature; they should be completely conditioned by the nature of consciousness. Or, every work is nothing but a movement of the Self; consciousness is moving in the form of activity. Thus, activity is not any more a bondage. It is our own Self that is moving in the direction of itself, partially inwardly, partially externally, as waves are activities of the ocean; and yet they are not activities of the ocean, as the activity itself becomes one with the ocean. Tanniṣṭhās: That is establishment of oneself in that Supreme Being. Nimishas is establishment, rootedness.

To be continued ...



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