
Showing posts from September, 2021

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita - 13- 1. Swami Krishnananda.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BID FAREWELL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday,  September 22, 2021. 8:10. AM. Discourse 13: The Fifth Chapter Concludes  :  The Characteristics of the Sage Who is Established in Brahman : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-s under - are the concluding part of the Fifth Chapter :  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- na prahṛṣyet priyaṁ prāpya nodvijet prāpya cāpriyam sthirabuddhir asaṁmūḍho brahmavid brahmaṇi sthitaḥ (5.20) bāhyasparśeṣvasaktātmā vindatyātmani yat sukham sa brahmayogayuktātmā sukham akṣayam aśnute (5.21) ye hi saṁsparśajā bhogā duḥkhayonaya eva te ādyantavantaḥ kaunteya na teṣu ramate budhaḥ (5.22) śaknotīhaiva yaḥ soḍhuṁ prāk śarīravimokṣaṇāt kāmakrodhodbhavaṁ veg...

The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 14.3. Swami Krishnananda

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, September 21, 2021. 8:00. AM. The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita Chapter -14.The Coming of God as an Incarnation -3. (Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, what are these threats which God would be conscious of? God would be very, very aware and very vigilant about anything that is happening anywhere against Himself because the value of the whole of creation is nothing but the value of the recognition of God’s presence in creation. God is the health of the cosmos. The physique of the universe is God’s presence. The strength of the whole world is nothing but the extent of the presence of this universal significance inside it. The milder is the presence felt, the lesser is the health of that organism. Materialistic forces and athe...

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-17, Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam : Slokam-9.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September 20, 2021. 8:30. AM. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita Chapter-17. Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam :  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-9 : "Katv-amla-lavanaty-ushna- tikshna-ruksha-vidahinah ahara rajasasyeshta duhkha-shokamaya-pradah." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : kaṭu—bitter;  amla—sour;  lavaṇa—salty;  ati-uṣhṇa—very hot;  tīkṣhṇa—pungent;  rūkṣha—dry;  vidāhinaḥ—chiliful;  āhārāḥ—food;  rājasasya—to persons in the mode of passion;  iṣhṭāḥ—dear;  duḥkha—pain;  śhoka—grief;  āmaya—disease; pradāḥ—produce --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita -7. 11. Swami Krishnananda.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, September 19, 2021. 8:00.AM. Chapter 7:The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative - 11. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This circumstance of your being basically involved in the higher purpose of life will bring the faith that is necessary for invoking God’s presence in you, and God shall manifest Himself. Infinite are the avataras of God, as infinite as the rays of the Sun. Numberless are the occasions when God manifests Himself, and in numberless ways and methods of action. It does not mean that always the same kind of form will be sent. It is not that He will come always as Rama, Krishna, Govinda, etc. God can manifest Himself as a remedial force under conditions which are historically, geographically, socially, psychologically specific. When it is necess...

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita : 13- 3. Swami Krishnananda.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday,  September 18 2021. 2:00. PM. Chapter -13. Cosmology and Eschatology- 3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our own self is the adhyatma, the deepest self in us, which, again, is inseparable, ultimately, from the Godhead. It is the essential essence of which everyone is constituted—you, and I, and everybody, and everything. As every little ripple or wave in the ocean is nothing but the vast ocean, the secret hidden at the recess of every individual occasion is the adhyatma, the Atman, the Self in us, which is incapable of further reduction, beyond which one cannot go, and beneath which there is nothing. The deepest and bottommost being of our personali...

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita - 12- 5. Swami Krishnananda.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday,  September 17, 2021. 8:10. AM. Discourse 12 :THE FIFTH CHAPTER CONTINUES : THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A PERFECTED PERSON : 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tatparāyaṇāḥ is always eager to attain That. Day in and day out we brood over the possibility of this supreme attainment: “When shall I get it, when shall I get it, when shall I get it?”  You can go on chanting this mantra: “When shall I get it, when shall I get it, when shall I get it, when shall I get it?” This little sentence is also a recipe for bringing the mind back to the point of concentration on That. Eagerness to receive that Being into ourselves, eagerness to unite ourselves with that Being is tivra vairagya, intense detachment towards the world of objects. It is tivra samvega, or intense ardour ...

The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 14.2. Swami Krishnananda.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September 15, 2021. 8:00. AM. The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita Chapter -14.The Coming of God as an Incarnation -2. (Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: The Coming of God as an Incarnation - 2. At present, creation at the level of humanity may have to be dealt with by forces which maintain the organism in a stable manner. If a little thorn enters the sole of our foot, living and sustaining forces in the body are released into action by the organisation of the whole body. There is a governmental system, as it were, in an organism, in a living whole, and when that threat of an intrusion of any kind of extraneous element is felt, necessary forces for redeeming the organism from that kind of threat are released. The...

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-17, Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam : Slokam-8.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September 13, 2021. 7:26. PM. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita Chapter-17. Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam :  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-8 : "Ayuh-sattva-balarogya-sukha-priti-vivardhanah rasyah snigdhah sthira hridya aharah sattvika-priyah." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : āyuḥ sattva—which promote longevity;  bala—strength;  ārogya—health;  sukha—happiness;  prīti—satisfaction;  vivardhanāḥ—increase;  rasyāḥ—juicy;  snigdhāḥ—succulent;  sthirāḥ—nourishing;  hṛidyāḥ—pleasing to the heart;  āhārāḥ—food;  sāttvika-priyāḥ—dear to those in the mode of goodness ---------------------------------------------------...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita -7. 10. Swami Krishnananda.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, September 12, 2021. 6:40.PM. Chapter 7:The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative - 10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham." (Gita-4.7) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : yadā yadā—whenever;  hi—certainly;  dharmasya—of righteousness;  glāniḥ—decline;  bhavati—is;  bhārata—Arjun, descendant of Bharat;  abhyutthānam—increase;  adharmasya—of unrighteousness;  tadā—at that time;  ātmānam—self;  sṛijāmi—manifest;  aham—I --------------------------...

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita : 13- 2. Swami Krishnananda.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday,  September 11 2021. 10:00. PM. Chapter -13. Cosmology and Eschatology- 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The external world consists of the five elements, which rarely attract our attention in our daily existence. We do not bother much about the five elements, though they are there as a very important thing before us. The world also includes what we call human relationship and activity in the field of the social atmosphere (adhiyajna), and all agency in every enterprise. The world of physical Nature is what is known here as the adhibhuta, the world of the elements, Nature in its completeness. But, to us, the world of experience is also something else, in addition to the physical elements only. There is a mysterious involvement of ours in our external affairs...

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita - 12- 4. Swami Krishnananda.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday,  September 10, 2021. 9:10. PM. Discourse 12 : THE FIFTH CHAPTER CONTINUES : THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A PERFECTED PERSON : 4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gita- Ch-5, Slo-17. Tadbuddhayastadātmānastanniṣṭhāstatparāyaṇāḥ gacchantyapunarāvṛttiṃ jñānanirdhūtakalmaṣāḥ One can attain to this state of utter perfection free from the goodness or the badness of things, or the qualities of prakriti, by intense concentration on the transcendence which is God. God is untarnished because of there being no change, no mutation, no difference, no physicality, and no externality in God. Meditation is to be conducted by the consciousness of the seeker on a universal transcendence of its own self, freed from the clutches of whatever the world may appear to be. Tadbuddhayah : T...

The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity : 14.1. Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, September 09, 2021. 9:30. PM. The First Six Chapters of the Bhagavadgita Chapter -14.The Coming of God as an Incarnation -1. (Spoken on Bhagavadgita Jayanti) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: The Coming of God as an Incarnation - 1. The role of the divine immanence in the processes of this world, which we were trying to discuss yesterday, is effected by the omniscience of this presence through its Incarnation that takes place at that moment when it is felt necessary. The phenomenon of divine Incarnation is something which religious philosophy has not been able to understand clearly. What exactly is the Incarnation? How does it take place? We shall not be able to understand what it is because no one can understand the way in which God works. The coming of Go...

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-17, Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam : Slokam-7..

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, Septembert 08, 2021. 9:26. PM. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita Chapter-17. Sraddha-traya-vibhaga-yogam :  Slokam-7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gita - Ch-17, Slo-7. : "Aharas tv api sarvasya tri-vidho bhavati priyah yajnas tapas tatha danam tesham bhedam imam shrinu." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : 1. āhāraḥ—food;  tu—indeed;  api—even;  sarvasya—of all;  tri-vidhaḥ—of three kinds;  bhavati—is;  priyaḥ—dear;  yajñaḥ—sacrifice;  tapaḥ—austerity;  tathā—and;  dānam—charity;  teṣhām—of them;  bhedam—distinctions;  imam—this;  śhṛiṇu—hear. ---------------------------------------------------------...