The Essence of the Gospel of the Bhagavad Gita : 9. Swami Krishnananda


(Spoken at a conference in Delhi on December 27, 1973.)
Post - 9.

But God does not immediately come for help, as it were. He follows the system of politics called sama, dana, bheda, danda. Sri Krishna did not take up arms against Duryodhana immediately. That could have been done, but he did not do so. He first tried the method of conciliation. He made a calm and polite and very humble request, “My dear friend, why don’t you give the Pandavas’ their share honourably? This is not dharma, this is not duty.” It did not succeed. He tried other methods. “You take half, you give half. Or you take the major portion and give the minor portion.” That also did not work. Then he said, “I will create dissension among you”—bheda, it is called—by telling Karna whose son he was, because Karna was the strength of Duryodhana. That also did not succeed. Then the mill of God began to work powerfully. Once God begins to take action, He will pounce upon you like a lion, and Duryodhana was attacked from every side until his very bones were pounded. This is what happens to vice when God begins to take action.

So the good people of the world, the virtuous and the righteous here, need not weep. Their weeping, their crying will be heard, and it will be heard definitely in a proper way, and help shall come to them. The poor and the needy, the suffering, the downtrodden need not cry, and their cry will not be for long. It is only for a short time, and the glory of evil shall be put down.

This epic message is philosophically presented in the Bhagavadgita as the need to take the help of knowledge and wisdom of God for conducting ourselves properly along the path of duty and righteousness in the world. Sankhya and yoga are said to be the message of the Bhagavadgita, which means to say, the blending of knowledge and action, God and man working together. This symbolic message is also conveyed towards the end of the Gita in a famous verse: yatra yogesvara? k???o yatra partho dhanurdhara?, tatra srir vijayo bhutir dhruva nitir matir mama (B.G. 18.78). Sanjay says, “There success is sure to come, there victory is certain, where Krishna and Arjuna work together in unison seated in a single chariot.” Where the grace of God and the effort of man come together and act in unison, success is certain.

To be continued ...



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