Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-14, Slokam - 7.
======================================================================= ====================================================================== 01/01/2020. Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-14. ( GUNA-TRAYA-VIBHAGA-YOGAM ) Slaokam-7. ===================================================================== "Rajo ragatmakam viddhi trshnasangasamudbhavam, tan nibadhnati kaunteya karmasangena dehinam." kaunteya = hey, Arjuna! rajah ragatmakam = rajo-gunam ( mode of passion ) born of desire or lust; trshna sanga samudbhavam = produce hankering and association; viddhi = know this; tat karma sangena = that because of the passion in Karmam( association with with fruitive activity); dehinam nibadhnati = which ( rajo-gunam ) binds the jivatma thereafter. Translation : Rajo gunam born of desire, produce hankering and association, know this, that because of passion, which binds the jivatma thereafter. Discussio