The Bhagavadgita in a Nutshell - 1. Swami Krishnananda

(Spoken on November 3rd, 1973.)

Salutations, humble prostrations to the Supreme Almighty God, Bhagavan Sri Lakshmi Narayana! May we, on this auspicious occasion, invoke the grace of Bhagavan Sriman Narayana that his all-compassionate eyes may look upon all of mankind with a benignant, gracious compassion. May this be a sacred opportunity for all of us to contemplate and pray to his all-pervading form as the Virat Swarupa in this visible shape of creation. May we be endowed with that understanding and power of wisdom to recognise his presence in all this manifestation as this world, this cosmos, this universe.

May we not be tempted into the false belief that this world is an object of enjoyment for the senses. May we not be led astray into the erroneous notion that this world is our property, that it belongs to us, that this is a field of physical enjoyment and personal aggrandisement in any manner whatsoever. May we be blessed with that knowledge with which we can look upon this vast world as the field of dharma, the field of work and duty and training for the chastening of our spirits for the realisation of God ultimately. May we pray to Bhagavan Sriman Narayana that he dispel the ignorance of our hearts due to which mankind is likely to mistake God for the world and the world for God in an erroneous superimposition of values. May we look upon this world as the body of God, and may we recognise all our activities as worship of God.

I am reminded here of two important, pertinent, pointed teachings of Bhagavan Sri Krishna in the Third Chapter of the Bhagavadgita – how we can live a happy life of knowledge and understanding in this world. The Third Chapter of the Bhagavadgita is precisely a gospel to mankind in its aspect of work, duty and effort in every one of its forms.

To be continued ..


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