Gita : Ch-13. Slo-1.Discussion-2.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

 Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam )

 Slokam-1. ( Arjuna  question  to  Lord  Sri  Krishna ) -

  (Arjuna said: O Lord, I wish to know about prakrti [nature], Purusha [the experiencer], and the field and the knower of the field, and of knowledge and the end of knowledge. )

 arjuna uvaca,

 prakrtim  purusham  caiva  kshetram   kshetragjnameva  ca,

 etadveditumicchami   jnanam   jneyam  ca  kesava.

 arjuna  uvaca  =  Arjuna  said;

 kesava!  =  O  Lord;

 prakrtim  purusham  ca  eva  =  nature,  and  the  experiencer;

 kshetram  kshetragjnam  ca  eva  =  kshetram  (body),  and  kshetragjnan  ( jivatma );

  jnanam   jneyam  ca  etat  =  jnanam ( knowledge ),  jneyam ( object  of  the  knowledge,  all  about  these;

 veditum  icchami  =  I  wish  to  know.


Now in this chapter Lord Krishna begins describing the discriminative knowledge of matter and spirit along with the process of assisting His devotees transcend the ocean of samsara or the perpetual cycle of birth death.

Lord Krishna declared in chapter 12 slokam-7  that He quickly delivers His unalloyed devotees from samsara.

Although He has previously spoken of the physical body as the inferior part and the atma or eternal soul as the superior part as given in chapter 8, verse 5, He now describes the combined nature of both with the words idam sariram meaning the material body, which is constituted of the five elements, five senses, mind and false ego and is the source of enjoying material delights for jivas or embodied beings, who being bewildered by illusion think of themselves as male or female or as old and young, etc. thinking themselves to be the physical body oblivious that the atma is distinctly different and separate from the physical body they inhabit. This physical body is known as the ksetra or field which is the source of enjoying the harvest of pleasures and pain as the reactions to good and evil actions by the doer.

To be continued  ....



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