Gita : Ch-12. Slo-6 & 7. Discussion-1.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :
Chapter-12. ( Bhakti-yogam)
Slokam-s -  6 & 7.

ye  tu  sarvani  karmani  mayi sanyasya matparah, 

ananyenaiva yogena  mam dhyayanta upasate.

tu  ye  =  but  one  who;
sarvani  karmani  =  all  karma-s;
mayi  sanyasya  =  submit / surrender  unto  Me;
mat-parah  =  being  unto  Me  as  the  Supreme  Goal;
ananyena  eva  yogena  =  without  distraction,  fixing  his  mind,  on  that  goal  only;
mam dhyayanta upasate  =  meditate  that  Supreme  goal;

teṣham aham samuddharta  mṛtyusamsarasagarat,

bhavami na cirat partha  mayyavesitacetasam.

mayi  avesita   cetasam  =   who  have  their  manovrutti  completely  based  on  Me;
  tesham  =  for  them;
partha!  aham  =  hey  arjuna!  I;
na  cirat  =  without  delay;
mṛtyu-samsara-sagarat  =  from  the  ocean  of  life  and  death;
samuddharta  bhavami  =  I  give  liberation  ( from  the  ocean  of  samsaram)  to  them.


The devotees of the Supreme Lord Krishna do not have to undergo any tribulations or difficulties in order to reach Him quickly.

This is what He confirms in these two verses beginning with the words ye tu meaning but those who denotes those whose parents were conscious of Lord Krishna at the time of the infants very conception by which receiving such grace they were born devotees of the Supreme Lord or by destiny or karma being actions awarded based on previous actions, such beings acquire association of a pure devotee of Lord Krishna and are blessed by them.

Such fortunate jivas or embodied beings depend exclusively upon the Supreme Lord because He is absolutely the ultimate goal to be attained above all others in every situation and in all circumstances.

Such blessed beings are fully surrendered to the Supreme Lord, devoting their very lives for His complete satisfaction without motive or thought of recompense and reward for their activities.

Even while engaged in worldly activities for preservation of bodily maintenance for self and family such as food and shelter as well as performing Vedically ordained activities according to varnasrama or the four social order of Vedic society such as propitiation to the Supreme Lord, charity, etc. such surrendered beings continuously remember Lord Krishna as their most beloved and single object of adoration, reflecting again and again incessantly over His rupa or divine form, His guna or divine qualities, His lilas or divine pastimes, His dhama or divine abode and madhurya or His divine transcendental sweetness.

For such great souls Lord Krishna declares that He Himself becomes their saviour and personally delivers them from mrtyu-samsara-sagarat or the deadly ocean of the perpetual cycle of birth and death and this He declares that He does na cirat meaning without delay.

To be continued



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