Gita : Ch-11. Slo-9.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-11. ( Visvarupa-darsana-yogam )


Sanjaya uvaca :

evamuktva  tato  rajan  mahayogesvara  harih,

darsayamasa  parthaya  paramam  rupamaisvaram.

Sanjaya uvaca = Sanjaya said (to King Dhritarashtra);

rajan = hey King;

mahayogesvara harih = Sri Krishna the maha-yoga-eswaran ( the Supreme Great Lord );

evam  utva  tatah = after saying this way;

paramam aisvaram rupam = the Supreme Eternal form;

parthaya darsayamasa = showed ( displayed ) to Arjuna.

Sanjaya is now speaking to King Dhritarashtra summarised in six slokas that the Supreme Lord Krishna being earnestly requested with devotion to reveal His phenomenal, awe inspiring visvarupa or divine universal form, gave Arjuna the prerequisite divine vision to see it and then exhibited His almighty transcendental form in its entirety.

This is what is understood by the word evam meaning in this way.

Then the omnipotent Lord Krishna who is being referred to by the name Hari or He who takes away all inauspiciousness from His devotees displayed His supreme, divine universal form to His devotee Arjuna, the son of His father Vasudeva's sister who is known as Pritha or Kunti.

Having bequeathed the supernatural eyes of illumination the Supreme Lord Krishna exhibited His almighty, omnipotent, transcendental visvarupa or divine universal form.

The description of this universal form is what is being described in this verse and the next five verses by Sanjaya, who was also given divine sight to see it by Vedavyasa.

The Supreme Lord Krishna is known as Hari because He removes all inauspiciousness from His devotees.

Also He is known as Hari as He is the ultimate recipient of all acts of worship and propitiation partaking of the libation known as ida as well as the sanctified vegetarian food offered by the householders to the Supreme Lord.

And another annotation of Hari found in the Moksa Dharma is that as His complexion is the most radiant of the blue colors He is known as Hari as well.

Thus declaring it to be, the Supreme Lord Krishna who out of affection for His devotee accepted the post of charioteer.

The Supreme Lord of all lords accepting the position as Arjuna's first cousin being that Vasudeva was the brother his mother.

The Supreme Being and ultimate personality, the epicentre of all perfection and magnificence.

The Sovereign Lord of all power, the glorious Harih or the Supreme Lord who removes all inauspiciousness from His devotee, now exhibited His divine, transcendental, extraordinary and phenomenal, almighty visvarupa or divine universal form across the complete visible cosmos, indomitable.

To be continued  ...


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