Gita : Ch-11. Slo-13.

Srimad Bhagavad-gita :

Chapter-11. (Visvarupa-darsana-yogam)

Slokam-13. (At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.)

tatraikastham  jagat krtsnam  pravibhaktamanekadha,

apasyaddevadevasya sarire pandavastada.

anekadha pravibhaktam = divided in many bright lights;

jagat krtsnam = of the Universe completely;

devadevasya tatra sarire = in the Universal form of the Personality of Godhead;

akastham = all together placed /situated in one and only place;

tada pandavah apasyat = then Arjuna could see.

What happened after that?

In answer Sanjaya explains that right there on the battlefield Arjuna saw in Lord Krishna's visvarupa or divine universal form the entire creation with its multiple and manifold divisions all coordinated and orchestrated in different parts of that selfsame visvarupa.

In the Supreme Lord Krishna's divine, transcendental and phenomenal visvarupa or divine universal form infinitely high and unfathomably wide with splendorous effulgence and unlimited faces, heads, eyes and bodies, with unlimited celestial weapons and unlimited celestial ornaments accompanied by celestial unguents, divine garlands and raiment's. All interacting with unlimited wonders and marvels.

 Arjuna could clearly see manifested in a single location within the universal form all of creation with its unlimited multifarious and variegated details from the greatly powerful Brahma and all the demigods down to a humble blade of grass.

He could see the complete animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms and all the diverse planetary systems all composed of prakriti or the material substratum pervading material existence from the highest Bhur, Bhuvar, Svar etc. all the way down to the lowest planetary system of Patala with all there varying inhabitants, habitats and habits.

He could also perceive the brahman or the spiritual substratum pervading all existence with its sublimely subtle transcendental presence imperceptible to normal eyes.

 All this was seen by Arjuna due to the divine vision bequeathed upon him by Lord Krishna substantiating His declarations in chapter 10 such as slokam 39: That He is the origin of all and nothing can exist separately, independent from Him and in slokam 42 He states that by a mere fraction of His potency He maintains and sustains all moving and stationary beings.

Now Arjuna bequeathed with divine vision sees in Lord Krishna's visvarupa or divine universal form all the things He had previously described as His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence.

The words jagat krtsnam meaning the whole creation confirms that in the incomparable visvarupa could be seen all things animate and inanimate moving and stationary which constituted the denizens from all the planetary systems from the highest Bhur to the lowest Patala with all their various inhabitants of demigods, human, animal and demon, all concentrated with a singular location within the universal form.

The word tatra (there) is very significant.

It indicates that both Arjuna and Krishna were sitting on the chariot when Arjuna saw the universal form.

Others on the battlefield could not see this form because Krishna gave the vision only to Arjuna.

Arjuna could see in the body of Krishna many thousands of universes.

 As we learn from Vedic scriptures, there are many universes and many planets. Some of them are made of earth, some are made of gold, some are made of jewels, some are very great, some are not so great, etc.

Sitting on his chariot, Arjuna could see all these universes.

But no one could understand what was going on between Arjuna and Krishna.

To be continued  ...


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