Gita : Ch-11. Slo-15.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-11. (Visvarupa-darsana-yogam)


arjuna uvaca :

pasyami  devamstava  deva  dehe

sarvamstatha   bhutaviseshasamghan,

brahmaṇamisam  kamalasanastham

rshimsca  sarvanuragamsca  divyan.

arjuna uvaca = Arjuna saiod;

deva! tava dehe = O Lord!

devan tatha = all deva-s and likewise;

sarvan  bhutaviseshasamghan = the whole living entities;

kamalasanastham = and sitting on the lotus flower;

isam brahmanam = Lord Brahma;

sarvan rishin ca = and all  rishi-s;

divyan uragan ca pasyami = and  I see divine  Serpents too.

What was seen in the Supreme Lord Krishna's visvarupa or divine universal form is being described in this verse and the next 16 sloka-s. All hosts of various beings and denizens from all over creation some viviparous, some oviparous, all different categories of living entities.

The heavenly sages from the higher planetary systems are seen led by Vasistha and others as well as the serpents from the lower planetary systems led by Taraka and the ruler of the demigods Brahma is seen seated on the lotus arising from Garbhodaksayi Vishnu's navel.

The secondary creator Brahma was sitting on pedestal of the lotus which emanated from the navel of Garbhodaksayi Vishnu who is a Purusa avatara of Lord Krishna in the spiritual worlds.

Shiva was situated upon the lap of Brahma and all of the various demigods were established in the appropriate part of him.

This I confimed in the Padma Purana.

Beheld within Lord Krishna's visvarupa or divine universal form was seen Brahma seated upon the lotus emanating from the navel of Garbhodaksayi Vishnu, and also Shiva was seen with all the demigods like Indra, Surya and Vaya along with innumerable beings both animate and inanimate comprising all species of sentient beings born from wombs, from eggs, from seeds and from fermentation.

In the Supreme Lord Krishna's visvarupa or divine universal form could be seen all species of life.

Those manifesting from wombs, from eggs, from seeds and from fermentation.

The four faced Brahma seated upon the lotus flower emanating from the navel of Garbodaksayi Vishnu was seen along with Shiva sitting upon his lap and all the demigods can be seen on different parts of his body.

Also great sages and rishis can be seen as well.

To be continued ...


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